KlimaTV – Aktivisme
The Language of Protest
14:20 | ‘Focusing on the work of Extinction Rebellion, and with contributions from journalists, activists and academics, the film is an insightful look at political communication in the era of the protest.’
Oprør for livet 4:4 – Oprør 2.0
Corona har ændret hele den aktivistiske virkelighed. Nynne går i gang med at planlægge et nyt slags oprør, for Extinction Rebellion vil ikke lukke byen ned alligevel, nu hvor Mette Frederiksen er kommet dem i forkøbet.
Oprør for livet 3:4 – Rebel-life balance
Nynne er ved at være træt af aktivismelivet. Hun er træt af møder, telefonsamtaler og referater. Extinction Rebellion er ved at planlægge et forårsoprør, og det kræver stort ansvar og engagement.
Oprør for livet 2:4 – Full-blown aktivist
Karla undersøger hvad det er for gruppe Nynne er så optaget af. Nynne får hurtigt en helt central rolle i Extinction Rebellion, og Karla synes det er ret imponerende, og er stolt af veninden.
Oprør for livet 1:4 – D.I.Y. oprør
Karla følger nysgerrigt med da veninden Nynne starter oprørsgruppen “uprising now” hjemme i Nynnes lejlighed. Men oprørsgruppen bliver ikke som Nynne har drømt om, det er ikke nok at plante træer og snakke, hun vil noget mere radikalt.
“Klimakrisen er vores generations murens fald”
Er civil ulydighed vejen frem, og kan det forsvares i klimakampen? Dagens gæst, Sylvester Langvad, er aktiv i bevægelsen Extinction Rebellion, og han fortæller om deres arbejde for at skabe øget fokus på klima.
Inside Extinction Rebellion
44:30 | In 2019, Keo Films began following Extinction Rebellion in the run up to last year’s October Rebellion, with intimate access to our headquarters (and thoughts) both before, during and after the two-week London protests.
Radical climate change movement or rational protest?
28:25 | Extinction Rebellion was founded two years ago, and has achieved remarkable success since then.
‘Branded Protest’ discussion with the Extinction Rebellion Art Group
56:08 | Activists, designers, strategists and artists from around the world present and discuss branding a protest. Held by Bis Publishers at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam.
Flere med: Klimasagens nye mål
I denne episode taler Mattias Friis med aktivisterne Amalie og Jeppe om de mål, klimagræsrødderne står imellem lige nu – og om fire værktøjer til at vælge og udvikle appellerende kampagnemål.
CSR Agendaen: Er Esther Danmarks Greta?
Historien om Esther Kjeldahl og Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse.
Extinction Rebellion join Razorlight on stage at Electric Brixton
9:50 | 14 December 2019 – Razorlight play ‘America’ surrounded by rebels at the Electric Brixton, London.
Climate change? Without me!
28:25 | Dedicated climate activists are seeking to hold a mirror up to society through protests and blockades, resorting to drastic measures at times.
Varmere, Vådere og Vildere. Fedt?
18:31 | Klimaforsker Sebastian Mernild og klimakunstner Jens Galschiøt forklarer konsekvenserne af det omtalte ”tipping point”. Også: lokalt bidrag til de internationale klimastrejker.
Klimalov på vej og protest på gaden
11:53 | Vi tager temperaturen på klimaloven. Hvordan går det med forhandlingerne? Bliver loven god nok? Er der grund til bekymring? Se med, når vi går på gaden med den grønne studenterbevægelse, der blokerer trafikken foran klimaministeriet.
Juliana v. United States: Meet The Kids Suing Over Climate Change
8:31 | Juliana v. United States is a landmark climate lawsuit against the federal government of the USA, arguing it is depriving youth of their rights to a stable climate system.
Klimaretssag: Vi slæber norske olieboringer for retten
12:29 | Norske virksomheder vil lede efter olie i Arktis, selvom det strider mod lovgivningen, der fastslår at både nuværende og fremtidige generationer har ret til et sundt miljø og en beboelig planet.
Greta Thunberg and “Fridays for Future” – a growing student movement
28:26 | The worldwide “Fridays for Future” movement is piling the pressure on politicians. In Europe in particular, the influence of the campaign launched by 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is growing.
Extinction Rebellion NYC Takes A Stand At Wall Street’s Charging Bull
3:36 | Activists from Extinction Rebellion NYC risked arrest by protesting Wall Street at the famous Charging Bull statue.
Derfor bryder vi loven med vilje
14:34 | Hvornår er det okay at bryde loven? Og hvorfor overhovedet gøre det? Den ene Birgitte er fra Extinction Rebellion og den anden er fra Greenpeace.
Global Declaration of Planetwide Rebellion
3:03 | Today, Friday November 1st, 2019, we Declare a Global Rebellion against governments worldwide.
Love the Earth | Protect the Earth | Make Ecocide a Crime Now!
2:10 | Make it a crime to destroy the Earth. Become an Earth Protector now.
Why climate strikes matter
12:07 | Via organizations like the Sunrise Movement, Zero Hour, Fridays for Future, and One Million of Us, youth protests across the world are crying out to world leaders to act strongly on climate change.
40:49 | Disobedience tells the David vs Goliath tales of front line leaders around the world risking life and limb in the fight for a liveable climate.
What we want to do is save humanity from extinction
53:47 | Kate Jeffery præsenterer baggrunden for Extinction Rebellion og dens mål og hvordan bevægelsen fungerer.
Global #ClimateStrike in Europe
3:15 | Over the past week millions of Europeans took to the streets for climate justice. We made history, and we drew the lines.
SDSU Climate Strike
1:20 | In solidarity with the youth climate strike movement, 500 SDSU students, community, and faculty showed up to demand transformative climate action on our campus.
Bill McKibben: Youth Who Led Global Climate Strike Are Bringing a New “Spirit” to Climate Fight
15:13 | Following Friday’s youth-led climate strike — the largest-ever global protest focused on climate — we speak with Bill McKibben, longtime journalist and co-founder of 350.org.
This Is Our Time. This Is Our Future. Voices from the Historic Youth Climate Strike in NYC
28:06 | As many as 4 million people around the world took to the streets Friday in the largest day of action focused on the climate crisis.
Is it too late to stop climate change?
24:25 | Scientists warn that even if every country meets the emission cuts agreed in the Paris climate agreement in 2015, the world will still be three degrees warmer. The warnings have provoked millions of young people to protest world-wide.
Why I became a climate activist – and you should, too
17:25 | Luisa Neubauer is a 23-year-old climate activist.
Fridays For Future: Will record breaking climate protests spark change?
12:46 | Millons of people around the world are gathering to join Greta Thunberg and the “Fridays For Future” climate strikes today.
Odense var også med da millioner klimastrejkede fredag
5:34 | Flere hundrede odenseanske skole og gymnasieelever og andre klimatosser var fredag mødt frem på Gråbrødre Plads for at bidrage til #FridaysForFuture
Global Climate Strike: Now’s the time to talk Climate Change
2:32 | With unprecedented press coverage and a global climate strike on the 20th of September, if you want to take action to stop global warming, the best time to raise your voice is now.
We Are Striking to Disrupt the System
45:14 | Interview med Greta Thunberg på Democracy Now!
The Daily Show – Greta Thunberg – Inspiring Others to Take a Stand
8:52 | Sixteen-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg explains why she traveled to America in a zero emissions boat and lays out the direct impact climate change has on the planet.
Skolestreik for klima i Tingvoll
2.29 | 30. august 2019 streiket elever ved Tingvoll barne- og ungdoms-skole i anledning av den 2. nasjonale skolestreike for fremtiden.
Live Coverage Guide
1:43 | If you’re planning an action or event, and want to know how to best cover it online using just your mobile phone (and a few other tools) – here are some tips.
Get Ready for a Climate Strike Q & A
2:14 | Have questions about the global climate strike on September 20th? Youth climate strikers Daphne, Jamie, and Xiye answer questions from their teacher, grandma, and neighbor that cover all the info you need.
What is Extinction Rebellion? XR go public!
2:08 | What is XR? We head to Shindig Festival and find out how Extinction Rebellion are working at public events to engage and educate.
George Monbiot – Connecting the dots
1:57:52 | George Monbiot talks with Natalie Fee about XR, Climate emergency, community, education, youth uprising, mental health, building community, ecology, rewilding, planting trees, carbon off setting, capitalism and lots more!
Er klimapolitikken som Titanic på vej mod isbjerget?
6:54 | Nogle hundrede odenseanere tyvstartede weekendens klimamarcher med en demonstration på Flakhaven fredag eftermiddag (maj 2019).
Make the World Greta Again (Full Documentary)
33:46 | We follow Greta Thunberg and the organizers of the school strikes for climate as they are cementing a worldwide movement ahead of their first global protest that took place on March 15th, 2019.
Honest Government Ad – Climate Breakdown & School Strikes
2:22 | The Australian Government has made an ad about its Climate Change Policy and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!
Why earth destruction is a crime
46:41 | Why earth destruction should be seen as a crime and what is it that brings earth lawyers Polly Higgins and Spanish magistrate Baltasar Garzón to fight for ecocide.
Extinction Rebellion Occupy London : VIDEO DIARY 4 of 4
11:43 | By the time the police began to clear the Pink Boat from Oxford Circus, the Extinction Rebels had clearly become quite emotionally attached to it and were reluctant to give it up without a (non-violent) struggle.
Climate scientist explains Extinction Rebellion
8:13 | Extinction Rebellion have been causing disruption in the name of preventing catastrophic climate change. But what are the organisation’s aims? And how do they compare to our understanding of global warming?
Extinction Rebellion Occupy London : VIDEO DIARY 3 of 4
15:37 | Extinction Rebellion were expected to have been removed from the streets of London well before Good Friday. But their peaceful protest completely wrong footed the authorities and they still held the same key areas on 19th April 2019.
Klimastrejker, happenings, flashmobs, demonstrationer og vejspærringer. Antallet af klimaaktioner stiger fortsat.