KlimaTV – Aktivisme
Greta Thunberg Is Leading a Global Climate Movement
7:57 | Greta’s actions have earned her a Nobel Peace Prize nomination and speaking engagements at the World Economic Forum and COP24 — but most importantly, they’ve encouraged students from all over the globe to stand up for Earth and their futures.
Paris Agreement has failed. What now?
12:18 | People are now taking more and more direct action to start forcing the issue with the sort of urgency that is so desperately required.
Supertanker: Alle vi børn i klimabevægelsen
“Hvorfor uddanne sig til en fremtid, hvis der ingen fremtid er?”, spørger de unge demonstranter, som mener, at de voksne har svigtet klimadagsordenen og ladet stå til alt, alt for længe.
Jan Ole and climate change – Skipping school for a cause
12:31 | Jan Ole Lindner encouraged other students to take part in a global “Fridays for Future” action day.
The disarming case to act right now on climate change
11:12 | “The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions,” Greta Thunberg says. “All we have to do is to wake up and change.”
Hvorfor gå i Skole, når vi ingen fremtid har?
4:48 | Sådan stod der på et papskilt da nogle hundrede odenseanske skole– og gymnasieelever gennemførte en klimastrejke på Flakhaven en råkold formiddag i februar.
Burnout: The Toll of Studying Climate Change
29:32 | Studying climate change can take its emotional toll. Some scientists and activists have experienced grief, depression, and anxiety. Some have received death threats.
Greta & Svante Thunberg – Straight Talk
19:05 | Greta Thunberg is joined by her father, Svante to talk about her path from an unknown Swedish school girl to an internationally recognized climate leader.
Sønderborgs unge strejker for klimaet
8:30 | Fredag var der indkaldt til klimastrejke foran rådhuset i Sønderborg. SønderborgNYT sendte direkte fra Rådhustorvet.
Flere med: En brunch får flere med til klimamarch
I september lykkedes det tre venner at få tredive af deres venner med til klimamarchen i København ved at holde en brunch om formiddagen.
Lawsuits Crushed Big Tobacco. Can It Work With Oil Companies?
6:36 | Fossil fuel companies are being taken to court just like tobacco companies were, because of what they knew and when. Should they be forced to pay for damages from climate change?
How a group of teens built the climate movement Zero Hour
10:30 | Last summer, at the age of 15, Jamie Margolin started a climate group with some other teens. A year later, This is Zero Hour held its first march on Washington, D.C.
Flere med: …i Vegetarisk Forening
I første episode af Flere Med kan du møde Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl, og høre hans bud på, hvordan det er lykkedes Vegetarisk Forening at fordoble sit medlemstal på halvandet år.
5 steps for organising a successful bank action
1:06 | A simple and clear how-to guide for organising an action to make sure the message of 1.5°C gets heard.
Rise for Climate to build a Fossil Free world
1:14 | Across 7 continents, people power is starting to #RiseForClimate and drive our leaders forward. Rise with us for the next wave of actions.
Cuomo: Walk the Talk on Climate Change
2:19 | On April 23, 2018, 1500+ people rallied in Albany for the largest climate demonstration in the city’s history.
Bill McKibben: Fighting Back on Climate Change
9:07 | Bill Maher and Environmentalist Bill McKibben search for a silver lining to the Trump Administration’s anti-climate agenda.
His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World
4:23 | Spoken word artist Prince Ea makes a powerful case for protecting the planet and challenges the human race to create a sustainable future.
Jack Black Meets a Young Climate Activist
1:47 | Jack Black meets Delaney Reynolds, a 16-year-old climate activist from Florida.
Ende Gelände 2016: Germany
1:30 | Over 3500 people shut down Vattenfall’s lignite coal operations in a mass action of civil disobedience.
The Teenager Suing the US Government over Climate Change
13:52 | Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh is a 15-year-old environmental activist who is traveling to Eugene, Oregon to sue the U.S. government over the issue of climate change.
Inside Germany’s Most Harmful Energy Source: Brown Coal Blues
19:44 | VICE Germany spoke with coal workers, environmentalists, and residents about climate goals, power plant technology, and a german future without coal.
350.org – Climate Change Is About Power
2:18 | Velkommen til 350.org.
Flashmob per il clima a Bologna 29/11/2015
2:38 | Flashmob in Bologna, Italy.
Arctic Ice Art displayed in Paris
2:34 | On the occasion of COP 21, the artists Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing brought 12 blocks of ice, harvested from free-floating icebergs in a fjord outside Nuuk, Greenland, to Place du Panthéon, Paris.
How the Keystone Fight Was Won
3:20 | Om protesterne mod Keystone Pipeline System i USA/Canada.
Xiuhtezcatl, Indigenous Climate Activist at the High-level event on Climate Change
9:32 | Remarks by Xiuhtezcatl, indigenous climate activist and Youth Director of Earth Guardians at the opening segment of the High-level event of the United Nations General Assembly on Climate Change (29 June 2015).
Fighting for Climate Justice #Flood the System – Melbourne
1:28 | Et kort video-interview og stemningsbillede. Ordinary citizens engaging in non-violent direct action to demand climate justice now.
Climate Change: The Next Generation
25:26 | Kelsey Juliana, an 18-year-old activist, is fighting climate change in the courts and walking across the country to spread the word on global warming.
It always seems impossible until it is done
1:22 | Inspired by Nelson Mandela’s vision, climate activists from around the world helped make this video during the 2012 Global Power Shift convergence organized by 350.org.
MR-Green til World Climate Solutions 2010
6:54 | MR-Green var til World Climate Solutions og mødte en masse mennesker – og dette er et lille indslag fra 2 hæsblæsende dage.
Climate Justice Fast!
3:14 | Climate Change is a global emergency. From the 1st of November 2009, activists across the globe will be undertaking an international hunger strike for climate justice.
Bridge Blockade To Stop Climate Change
2:32 | The action was made by the German Cycling for Change caravan. Consisting of 25 Germans and 2 Danes.
Climate Rush: Deeds Not Words (Full Film)
22:54 | The film follows the first direct action of Climate Rush group, at the british Parliament.
350-aktioner i Danmark
Klimastrejker, happenings, flashmobs, demonstrationer og vejspærringer. Antallet af klimaaktioner stiger fortsat.