KlimaTV – Aktivisme

Greta Thunberg Is Leading a Global Climate Movement

Greta Thunberg Is Leading a Global Climate Movement

7:57 | Greta’s actions have earned her a Nobel Peace Prize nomination and speaking engagements at the World Economic Forum and COP24 — but most importantly, they’ve encouraged students from all over the globe to stand up for Earth and their futures.

Supertanker: Alle vi børn i klimabevægelsen

Supertanker: Alle vi børn i klimabevægelsen

“Hvorfor uddanne sig til en fremtid, hvis der ingen fremtid er?”, spørger de unge demonstranter, som mener, at de voksne har svigtet klimadagsordenen og ladet stå til alt, alt for længe.

Flere med: …i Vegetarisk Forening

Flere med: …i Vegetarisk Forening

I første episode af Flere Med kan du møde Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl, og høre hans bud på, hvordan det er lykkedes Vegetarisk Forening at fordoble sit medlemstal på halvandet år.

Arctic Ice Art displayed in Paris

Arctic Ice Art displayed in Paris

2:34 | On the occasion of COP 21, the artists Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing brought 12 blocks of ice, harvested from free-floating icebergs in a fjord outside Nuuk, Greenland, to Place du Panthéon, Paris.

It always seems impossible until it is done

It always seems impossible until it is done

1:22 | Inspired by Nelson Mandela’s vision, climate activists from around the world helped make this video during the 2012 Global Power Shift convergence organized by 350.org.

Climate Justice Fast!

Climate Justice Fast!

3:14 | Climate Change is a global emergency. From the 1st of November 2009, activists across the globe will be undertaking an international hunger strike for climate justice.

Klimastrejker, happenings, flashmobs, demonstrationer og vejspærringer. Antallet af klimaaktioner stiger fortsat.