KlimaTV – Atomenergi
Nuclear fusion’s hope – The dream of endless clean energy
42:25 | Could nuclear fusion generate an infinite amount of clean energy? In contrast to nuclear fission, nuclear fusion looks favorable when it comes to environmental and safety concerns.
Why people want to put small nuclear reactors everywhere
13:04 | The race to develop small modular reactors is on, with the promise to provide fossil-free energy everywhere. But only one has been built so far. What’s going wrong?
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. The Verdict
14:41 | Great on paper…but do Small Modular Nuclear Reactors pass the ‘sniff test’ in the real world?
Atomic energy, climate, and Russia
28:25 | The rising global temperature must be restricted to well below a two-degree increase. Is nuclear power the new game changer for achieving this ambitious goal?
Is nuclear fusion the key to fighting climate change?
12:47 | All over the planet, billions of euros are being poured into developing nuclear fusion technology. And recent “breakthroughs” in plasma physics experiments have stunned the scientific community. Are we on the brink of an era of limitless clean energy supply?
Nuclear Fusion Illusion. Is it time to park the pipe dream?
14:35 | Nuclear fusion promises to provide unlimited, cheap, safe energy for the future of humankind. But are the latest “breakthroughs” really as good as they’re made out to be?
Rolls Royce Small Modular Reactor. Energy Revolution or delusional distraction?
15:50 | Small Modular Reactors are being touted as the only zero carbon baseload solution to our climate crisis. Rolls Royce say they’ll have their design operational within ten years. Can they do it, and do we want it?
Why nuclear plants are shutting down
9:24 | The nuclear power dilemma, explained.
Do we need nuclear power to stop climate change?
13:44 | A nuclear apocalypse is low risk but a climate catastrophe is already underway. Environmentalists are increasingly arguing to keep nuclear power plants open – but should we?
Why nuclear power will (and won’t) stop climate change
41:04 | In this video I discuss the relative role nuclear power will play in our future. In short: it’s complicated. But nuclear isn’t essential, merely very useful.
Small Modular Reactors. Are they now unavoidable?
16:16 | This week we consider the pros and cons of Small Modular Reactors.
Atomkraft i Danmark?
38:28 | Troels Schönfeldt (Seaborg Technologies), Gunnar Boye Olesen (VedvarendeEnergi) og Gorm Bruun Andresen (Aarhus Universitet) debatterer rollen for atomkraft i dansk og international energiforsyning.
Will Fusion Power solve Climate Change?
6:55 | Harnessing nuclear fusion could give us a virtually limitless source of relatively green energy. But can fusion arrive in time to fight global warming? And can it really single handedly save us?
Thorium. Is it the future of clean energy?
16:52 | Thorium as a fuel for Nuclear Power has been an aspirational goal since the 1960’s, but despite its apparent advantages, Thorium has never been adopted. This week we look at why.
Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century
15:15 | Nuclear energy has been a source of somewhat emotive debate since its discovery in the 1930’s. We take a look at the current status of the global Nuclear Energy industry and the role it may play in the fast approaching energy transition.
Is Nuclear Energy the solution?
9:15 | What role has nuclear energy to play in a renewable energy transition to combat climate change?
Should ‘green new nukes’ be part of the Green New Deal?
6:14 | Some innovative nuclear technologies seem promising, but they won’t be ready for widespread deployment anytime soon.
Can Nuclear Compete? (Panel 3)
1:24:29 | Is there a National Security Imperative for Nuclear?
Can Nuclear Compete? (Panel 2)
1:11:19 | What is the Role of Nuclear in a Carbon-Constrained World?
Can Nuclear Compete? (Panel 1)
1:04:15 | Can U.S. Nuclear Reactor Technologies Compete at Home or Abroad?
Nuclear Power Was Supposed to Solve Climate Change… What Happened?
4:41 | Splitting the atom once promised to be the carbon-free energy source of the future. But today, nuclear power plants are aging and retiring worldwide. What happened?
The Nuclear Waste Problem
11:08 | Used fuel rods will remain radioactive enough to emit a lethal dose for tens or hundreds of thousands of years past their removal. What do you do with them?
James Hansen & Michael Shellenberger: Nuclear Power? Are Renewables Enough?
24:11 | James Hansen and Michael Shellenberger present a compelling case for re-evaluating the role that a modern generation of nuclear power must play in the world’s energy mix.
The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear power
8:10 | New nuclear energy technology has come a long way – but can we get over our fears?
Economics of Nuclear Power with Mycle Schneider
28:02 | Mycle Schneider, an independent international energy and nuclear policy consultant, provides an economic analysis of the cost of nuclear power including data using charts and graphs.
Isoleret set kan atomenergi være næsten lige så klimavenligt som vedvarende energi og der findes mange fornuftige bud på, hvordan vi løser dens traditionelle udfordringer med affald og sikkerhed. Men samtidig står atomenergien overfor betydelige økonomiske problemer samt udfordringer med skalerbarhed og samspillet med sol og vind.