KlimaTV – Energisystemer
Could 100% clean energy power our cities and towns?
5:31 | We built this tiny model town to show what it would look like if we tried to transition to 100% clean energy.
Hydrogen energy storage in AMMONIA: Fantastic future or fossil fuel scam?
18:00 | Folks in the energy industry are apparently getting quite excited about the concept of hydrogen energy storage in ammonia.
Structural batteries : Shaping the future of energy efficiency
12:11 | Batteries in electric vehicles and electronic devices make up a very large proportion of the overall mass. But what if you didn’t need to bolt the batteries to any part of the bodywork at all?
Organic Redox Flow Batteries – The true path to grid scale energy storage?
10:47 | An all organic Redox Flow battery has been developed by a team of researchers in Sweden. Could this be the system that finally makes global grid scale storage a reality?
The power brick that actually is a brick!
13:19 | A research team at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri has just published details of a power brick that actually is a brick. A red house brick to be precise.
Why nuclear power will (and won’t) stop climate change
41:04 | In this video I discuss the relative role nuclear power will play in our future. In short: it’s complicated. But nuclear isn’t essential, merely very useful.
China’s MILLION VOLT Energy Superhighway
12:31 | Smart grids delivering renewable energy across continents will require extremely long electricity transmission distances. China is tackling the issue by switching from AC to DC power and ramping up the output to 1.1 million volts.
Lithium Recycling FINALLY goes global!
13:22 | Lithium recycling wasn’t considered important ten years ago when fewer than 60,000 electric vehicles were sold worldwide. But today…
How energy storage will kill fossil fuel
15:50 | Dramatic cost reductions, improved efficiencies, and a plethora of new innovations in how to store energy that can be delivered into the grid over long durations have all contributed towards a rapidly changing energy market.
Liquid Air Batteries. Literally energy from thin air. Seriously. Literally!
13:11 | This design that utilises tried and tested components that have been reimagined and re-engineered to perform a vital function for electricity grids, now and in the future.
Power-to-X, Håb eller Hype?
37:50 | Debat om perspektiverne for Power-to-X-teknologien til at erstatte de fossile brændsler og drive den grønne omstilling.
How do we solve the Cobalt problem?
17:14 | Cobalt has become an important ingredient in the batteries powering much of today’s technology. Most of it comes from the mines of the DRC in Africa…
Green Hydrogen: Can Australia lead the world?
13:09 | Australia’s vast land mass, almost constant sun and wind, and access to an array of minerals and resources really does make it the ideal location for large scale hydrogen production powered by renewable technologies.
The Liquid Batteries That Could Power Entire Cities
14:35 | Redox flow batteries are one of the most promising energy storage solutions because they are powered by charged electrolytes that can be infinitely expanded.
7 Ways To Store Renewable Energy
21:30 | The future of renewables may lie in our ability to store and use the energy they generate. Here are 7 big ideas to make that a reality.
Energy Transition Outlook 2019
1:03:37 | The CSIS Energy & National Security Program is pleased to welcome Sverre Alvik to discuss DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook 2019.
How to bring affordable, sustainable electricity to Africa
13:00 | Rose M. Mutiso discusses how a balanced mix of solutions like solar, wind farms, geothermal power and modern grids could create a high-energy future for Africa.
IEA Webinar: The Future of Hydrogen
1:02:53 | For hydrogen to make a significant contribution to clean energy transitions, it needs to be adopted in sectors where it is almost completely absent, such as transport, buildings and power generation.
Hydrogen for heating our homes
14:03 | We focus on the potential of hydrogen for heating our homes – something that is being enthusiastically embraced by the UK government.
Energy Storage in Hydrogen : Does this beat batteries?
12:25 | Traditional batteries have some limitations, not least in capacity and duration of storage. Hydrogen has no such limitations and as a result it’s rapidly gaining attention as a potential market disrupter.
TESLA batteries : Are they the Holy Grail of Climate Change?
12:19 | Huge advances in battery technology now mean that energy can be stored as it’s generated, giving national grid operators an instant solution for smoothing demand and bringing domestic micro-generation to hundreds of millions of people.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells – are they our future?
12:00 | Hydrogen fuel cells may appear to be another of these new green technologies but in fact they’ve been around for well over a century. So why aren’t all our vehicles already powered by Hydrogen?
EV Revolution
13:35 | With some projections suggesting renewable energy and electric vehicles may lose the fossil fuel industry as much as $21 TRILLION by 2040, the battle for the hearts and minds of millions of drivers has never been more critical.
The ‘duck curve’ is solar energy’s greatest challenge
3:57 | California researchers discovered a peculiarity in their state’s electric load curves, that started to look more and more like a duck.
Power to X
3:50 | Hvad er Power to X?
How Many Batteries Could Power The World?
9:30 | Denne video fra MinutePhysic’s viser, hvor mange GigaFactory’s der skal bygges, hvis el-biler skal fortrænge olie-biler og der skal leveres batteri-lagring til en Verden med 100% VE.
“Green” Batteries for Renewable Energy
32:35 | “Green” batteries are made from organic molecules (or synthesis). Dr. Alán Aspuru-Guzik explains how candidate plant molecules are selected and how such batteries work and store energy.
Expertseminarium om energilager 160928, Peter Carlsson
35:00 | Gennemarbejdet vision for en grøn Giga-fabrik i Skandinavien.
Lokal energi – omstilling med engagement
12:44 | Filmen sætter fokus på, hvordan man kan opnå lokalt ejerskab til og engagement i sin fremtidige energiforsyning med vedvarende energi, hvordan man organiserer sig samt hvilke barrierer for det lokale engagement, man møder.
Solar and battery storage deployment in Germany 2015
5:36 | A report examining solar PV and battery storage deployment in Germany 2016.
Smart Energy Systems – vejen til et fossilfrit Danmark
17:38 | Et godt bud på et energisystem der kan sikre et Danmark på 100% vedvarende energi kaldes for: Smart Energy Systems.
Norway: Energy storage for Europe | Global 3000
5:14 | Kort tysk dokumentar om, at Norske Stattkraft er villig til at udbygge pumped hydro storage, således at man kan øge udvekslingen af energi mellem Tyskland og Norge.
Fra vind til vej — en fremtid uden fossile brændstoffer
14:07 | Professor Tejs Vegge fra forskningscentret CASE på DTU forsker i katalysatorer, der kan bruges til at omdanne CO2 og nitrogen til brændstoffer ved hjælp af strømmen fra vindmøller og solceller.
Ammoniak som grønt brændstof
5:12 | Ammoniak bruges som kunstgødning, men er også et godt brændstof. Derfor vil forskerne lave ammoniak ved hjælp af strøm fra vindmøller.
Fra miljøsynder til eftertragtet råstof
4:52 | Forskere i CASE på DTU prøver at udvikle katalysatorer, der kan bruges til at omdanne CO2 til brændstoffer, fx ethanol.
3:33 | Der findes mange forskellige former for energi. Uanset formen gælder det dog, at energi hverken kan fremstilles eller forsvinde, den kan kun skifte form.
Lagring af energi
4:31 | Hvis vedvarende energi skal spille en afgørende rolle i fremtidens rene energiforsyning, skal vi lære at gemme energi til vindstille dage og mørke nætter.
Fra sol til brændstof
12:11 | Tænk, hvis man kunne lave vand om til brændstof blot ved at lyse på det med solskin. Professor Søren Dahl fra CASE på DTU fortæller om forskernes arbejde med at lave sol om til brændstof.
For at kunne lave et fossilfrit samfund er det nødvendigt at tilpasse vores energisystemer, så de mange alternative energikilder kan fungere sammen, og så energi kan oplagres eller sendes over lange afstande.