KlimaTV – Flygtninge

DIIS: Klimakrig og klimaflygtninge i Sahel er en myte

DIIS: Klimakrig og klimaflygtninge i Sahel er en myte

I en ny rapport – ‘Unpacking the new climate wars: Actors and drivers of conflict in the Sahel’ – har Signe Cold-Ravnkilde og Boubacar Ba afdækket, hvad der har skabt og i dag driver konflikten i Mali.

Drought and floods — the climate exodus

Drought and floods — the climate exodus

53:31 | More people around the world are fleeing from climate change than from war. If human-induced climate change continues at the current rate, the World Bank warns that by 2050 there could be as many as 180 million climate refugees.

Antallet af klimaflygtninge vil med al sandsynlighed stige markant gennem det 21. århundrede.