KlimaTV – Fossil energi
The dark secret behind the historic U.S. oil boom
14:00 | The US is producing more oil than any country ever has, despite pledging to reduce emissions.
The death of clean, green energy in the USA? Not a chance! Here’s why…
11:12 | “Drill baby drill”, said Donald Trump many times on the campaign trail. Only trouble is, it won’t be quite as easy in practice as it is in rhetoric.
This is Fracking
1:02:57 | This is Fracking reveals the real story behind oil exploitation in Patagonia, the one we have not yet been shown.
Are we running out of oil?
6:52 | People used to be really worried about peak oil – what happened? And does it matter if we run out?
If BIG OIL fails, do we all go down with it??
14:38 | The International Energy Agency just released a new paper analysing how oil and gas will dwindle in the next three decades to a small fraction of their current size.
How can we stop burning fossil fuels if we still need everything else they make?
15:49 | Petroleum-based products are all impossible to make without first producing hundreds of millions of tonnes of gasoline, kerosene, and diesel. At least that’s what the fossil fuel industry would like you to believe.
Why You Should Ditch Deadly Fossil-Fuel Appliances
10:23 | Donnel Baird’s ambitious plan to rip the fossil fuel infrastructure out of aging buildings and upgrade it with smarter, cleaner, healthier technology.
Global Energy Transition. Are we winning?
13:42 | The Global Energy Transition is the most profound change to human civilisation since the end of the last glacial period about 11,000 years ago.
Unions for Climate Action!
9:12 | Payton M. Wilkins digs into the economic fallout of ditching fossil fuels and shows why unions are well-positioned to push the transition to clean energy and green jobs.
The unlikely alliance helping Poland ditch coal
13:21 | Poland has a deep and historic relationship with coal, importing huge amounts despite producing yet more locally.
Can a coal mine revive Whitehaven without sacrificing the climate?
14:44 | The controversial decision to approve a new coalmine in Cumbria was met with dismay by UK environmental groups.
Why gas is being sold as green, when it’s not
5:06 | Is natural gas renewable? Is it a fossil fuel? A casual google search for natural gas gives the impression that these questions are somehow up for debate.
EACOP: A crude reality
43:26 | “EACOP: A crude reality” puts the spotlight on the negative socio-economic and environmental impacts posed by the planned East African Crude Oil Pipeline.
Kul, Nordsøgas eller Klimalov
7:07 | Vi har spurgt en række fynske folketingskandidater, hvor mange kompromisser man skal indgå med de danske klimaambitioner i den aktuelle energikrise.
Why Germany is destroying villages for coal
12:26 | Right in the heart of Germany, villages are being destroyed for coal – even though the country has vowed to turn its back on the fuel as soon as possible. But the villagers and activists are fighting back.
Kul eller Gas – Pest eller Kolera. Stadig kul til fjernvarmen.
5:47 | Da der i DK og resten af EU er en politisk konsensus om ikke at købe gas fra Rusland, så vil Odense Byråd nu prøve at finde en balance, hvor Fjernvarme Fyn indtil videre, fortsætter med at bruge kul frem til foråret 2024.
DONG to Ørsted: The Oil Giant That Turned Green
7:35 | This is the incredible story of how a nationalised oil and gas company, from the tiny nation of Denmark, became a renewable electricity powerhouse in just seven years.
Why we need to ditch natural gas (asap)
11:55 | Natural gas is abundant, versatile – and much cleaner than coal. It lets us keep the lights on AND reduce emissions. That’s great, right? Well, yes. If it wasn’t for one small detail: it’s still a fossil fuel.
How to cut out the ‘fossil gas middle man’
12:06 | A new report shows how much more economically smart it would be to simply jump straight from coal to renewables and cut out the ‘natural gas middle-man’ completely.
Why Goverments Still Fund Fossil Fuels
5:55 | At a time of climate pledges and promises, globally our governments still spend three times more public money on subsidising fossil fuels than renewable energy. Why is this?
Massive global energy disruptions are coming. Brace yourself!
16:19 | 15 million jobs are set to be lost from the fossil fuel industry in the coming years, but more than three times that will be created in the renewable sector.
The Power of Big Oil, Part Three: Delay
53:18 | The final episode of a three-part docuseries investigating what scientists, corporations and politicians have known about human-caused climate change for decades.
The Power of Big Oil Part Two: Doubt
54:17 | Watch part two of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial
1:24:18 | Watch part one of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 208: Uprising
50:07 | America Ferrera journeys to Illinois to shed light on the US’ controversial dependence on coal plants. Sigourney Weaver explores China’s explosive economic growth and the impact it is having on the environment on a global scale.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 201: A Race Against Time
50:07 | In the season opener, David Letterman travels to India. Back in the U.S., Cecily Strong travels to Florida and Nevada.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 106: Winds of Change
58:11 | In episode six, America Ferrera profiles prominent climate skeptic James Taylor of the Heartland Institute. Mark Bittman returns to conduct a yearlong investigation into natural gas.
How to Realistically Decarbonize the Oil and Gas Industry
13:43 | Bjørn Otto Sverdrup (OCGI) describes a possible path for the industry to pivot to net-zero operations, reimagining the role it could play in helping decarbonize the economy and igniting changes in how we consume energy.
Man against machine – Coal, climate and the future
12:26 | Eckardt Heukamp is refusing to budge: He’s the last remaining resident of Lützerath in North-Rhine Westphalia, situated on the edge of a huge open-cast lignite mine.
Tzeporah Berman: The bad math of the fossil fuel industry
13:38 | We currently have enough fossil fuels to progressively transition off of them, says climate campaigner Tzeporah Berman, but the industry continues to expand oil, gas and coal production and exploration.
The Californians Who Love Big Oil
11:32 | Dena Takruri heads to Kern County, where in one in seven workers has a job tied to oil. Can this oil-reliant county ever break up with fossil fuels?
Exploring the TRUE cost of ditching fossil fuels
13:50 | Fossil fuels are inextricably linked to our everyday lives and it’ll be impossible to phase them out in the next three decades. At least that’s what the fossil fuel industry would have you believe.
Your Bank is Funding Climate Change
10:22 | The Banking on Climate Chaos report has revealed the banking sector’s atrocious financing of the fossil fuel industry.
Visualizing the global oil production
6:09 | In this video I try to visualize the world’s production of crude oil on a world map. Every marker represent one million tonnes of crude oil produced.
How coal made us rich — and why it needs to go
8:21 | Coal powered a revolution in human prosperity that the world had never seen before. But it came at a price. Now Asia is the biggest consumer of coal — how can it quit its new addiction?
Big energy sues Netherlands for €1.4 billion over coal phase out
4:52 | The Netherlands has legislated to shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2030. But now a German energy company is suing the Dutch government for 1.4 billion euros over that decision.
Why Germany isn’t as green as you think
7:03 | Germany is super green and amazing at fighting climate change – at least that’s how the stereotype goes. But if you look deeper into it, you soon discover some pretty dirty secrets.
India’s historic opportunity to industrialize using clean energy
11:05 | India has a historic opportunity to power its industrialization with clean energy – and its energy choices will make or break the world’s fight against climate change.
Gadeteater siger nej til Baltic Pipe
5:04 | Pas på, pas på, gør plads. Sådan lød da klimaaktivister opførte politisk gadeteater gennem Odense Centrum for at gøre opmærksom på det omfattende anlægsprojekt Baltic Pipe.
Baltic Pipe tale til Folketingets åbning
4:36 | Hvis vi først får bygget ny infrastruktur til sort energi, slipper vi ikke af med den. Derfor skal Baltic Pipe, der i mindst 30 år skal føre fossil gas fra Norge til Polen stoppes.
How We Make Energy
21:39 | The extraction, and the resulting pollution from most energy sources has an immense impact on the environment, and that’s why we’ve got to talk about energy in the context of environmental science.
Nul Kul. Godt nyt for klimaet og Odense.
6:26 | Stop for brug af kul på Fynsværket i 2022 svarer til at 200.000 elbiler erstatter det samme antal CO2-forurenende benzin- og dieselbiler hvert år fremover.
Is Germany sustainable?
14:29 | Wind power now dominates Germany’s electricity sector, but the country also still burns millions of tonnes of coal every year.
Is Big Oil finally getting stranded?
13:22 | Thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia, global oil production has not decreased in reaction to the abrupt halt in our economies. Is this a ‘Perfect Storm’ that spells the end for BIG OIL?
Baltic Pipe. Et demokratisk og klimapolitiske svigt.
8:15 | Vi har besøgt Jesper og Mette Bisgaard Sanden i den lille landsby Davinde i det sydøstlige Odense, hvor man lige nu er ved at mobilisere protester imod et omfattende anlægsprojekt.
Coal: Can we kick our addiction?
17:21 | Are we reducing our global coal consumption and moving to alternative sources of power quickly enough?
Petro persecution: Report ties massive refugee displacement to fossil fuel investment
5:43 | A new study has found that the climate crisis is already leading to a massive increase in the number of people being displaced around the world.
Energy Transition Outlook 2019
1:03:37 | The CSIS Energy & National Security Program is pleased to welcome Sverre Alvik to discuss DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook 2019.
Kulstof i form af kul, olie og gas har spillet en væsentlig rolle i industrialiseringen gennem de sidste 200 år. Men brugen af fossile brændstoffer er også den ubetinget største årsag til menneskeskabte klimaændringer.