KlimaTV – Fossil energi

This is Fracking

This is Fracking

1:02:57 | This is Fracking reveals the real story behind oil exploitation in Patagonia, the one we have not yet been shown.

Unions for Climate Action!

Unions for Climate Action!

9:12 | Payton M. Wilkins digs into the economic fallout of ditching fossil fuels and shows why unions are well-positioned to push the transition to clean energy and green jobs.

EACOP: A crude reality

EACOP: A crude reality

43:26 | “EACOP: A crude reality” puts the spotlight on the negative socio-economic and environmental impacts posed by the planned East African Crude Oil Pipeline.

Why Germany is destroying villages for coal

Why Germany is destroying villages for coal

12:26 | Right in the heart of Germany, villages are being destroyed for coal – even though the country has vowed to turn its back on the fuel as soon as possible. But the villagers and activists are fighting back.

Why we need to ditch natural gas (asap)

Why we need to ditch natural gas (asap)

11:55 | Natural gas is abundant, versatile – and much cleaner than coal. It lets us keep the lights on AND reduce emissions. That’s great, right? Well, yes. If it wasn’t for one small detail: it’s still a fossil fuel.

Why Goverments Still Fund Fossil Fuels

Why Goverments Still Fund Fossil Fuels

5:55 | At a time of climate pledges and promises, globally our governments still spend three times more public money on subsidising fossil fuels than renewable energy. Why is this?

The Power of Big Oil Part Two: Doubt

The Power of Big Oil Part Two: Doubt

54:17 | Watch part two of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.

The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial

The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial

1:24:18 | Watch part one of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.

How to Realistically Decarbonize the Oil and Gas Industry

How to Realistically Decarbonize the Oil and Gas Industry

13:43 | Bjørn Otto Sverdrup (OCGI) describes a possible path for the industry to pivot to net-zero operations, reimagining the role it could play in helping decarbonize the economy and igniting changes in how we consume energy.

The Californians Who Love Big Oil

The Californians Who Love Big Oil

11:32 | Dena Takruri heads to Kern County, where in one in seven workers has a job tied to oil. Can this oil-reliant county ever break up with fossil fuels?

Why Germany isn’t as green as you think

Why Germany isn’t as green as you think

7:03 | Germany is super green and amazing at fighting climate change – at least that’s how the stereotype goes. But if you look deeper into it, you soon discover some pretty dirty secrets.

Gadeteater siger nej til Baltic Pipe

Gadeteater siger nej til Baltic Pipe

5:04 | Pas på, pas på, gør plads. Sådan lød da klimaaktivister opførte politisk gadeteater gennem Odense Centrum for at gøre opmærksom på det omfattende anlægsprojekt Baltic Pipe.

How We Make Energy

How We Make Energy

21:39 | The extraction, and the resulting pollution from most energy sources has an immense impact on the environment, and that’s why we’ve got to talk about energy in the context of environmental science.

Is Big Oil finally getting stranded?

Is Big Oil finally getting stranded?

13:22 | Thanks to Russia and Saudi Arabia, global oil production has not decreased in reaction to the abrupt halt in our economies. Is this a ‘Perfect Storm’ that spells the end for BIG OIL?

Kulstof i form af kul, olie og gas har spillet en væsentlig rolle i industrialiseringen gennem de sidste 200 år. Men brugen af fossile brændstoffer er også den ubetinget største årsag til menneskeskabte klimaændringer.