KlimaTV – Klima i hverdagen
De omstillingsparate 002: Klimabevægelsens Tøjgruppe i Rudersdal
Denne gang zoomer vi ind på Klimabevægelsens Tøjgruppe i Rudersdal. Vi tager ud og besøger Lene Zschau, som er en af gruppens aktive.
Heat Pumps: How cold rivers could heat your home
11:33 | Heating our homes with cold water! Sounds absurd? It’s not. Heat pumps are revolutionizing the way we heat and cool our homes and cities. We went to the German city of Mannheim to find out how.
Kloden drejer 002: Den sorte omstilling
I dagens episode rejser vi tilbage i tiden med Sissel Bjerrum Fossat fra Museum Odense. Vi undersøger de historiske årsager til, at vi har så stort et tøjforbrug, og at det er endt med at være så klimabelastende, som det er.
Kloden drejer 001: Tekstilrevolutionen
I dagens episode besøger vi Markus Hatting fra Tekstilrevolutionen i København.
Why You Should Ditch Deadly Fossil-Fuel Appliances
10:23 | Donnel Baird’s ambitious plan to rip the fossil fuel infrastructure out of aging buildings and upgrade it with smarter, cleaner, healthier technology.
The Simple Solution to Fast Fashion
8:25 | When you value your existing clothes instead of chasing the latest trends, you help reduce waste and protect our planet for generations to come.
Tourism in times of climate change
28:25 | Extreme weather is affecting the whole world – and climate change certainly doesn’t stop at popular vacation destinations. Where is tourism accelerating climate change? And where could tourism provide an opportunity?
Klimafolkemøde før sidste udkald
30:00 | Klimafolkemødet i Middelfart der startede i et par telte og regnvejr tilbage i 2020, satte i år en slags rekord med 34.000 besøgende til 400 debatter og events.
Folkemøde Klima lokalt og globalt
1:00:00 | Klimafolkemødet i Middelfart har de senere år været et opløftende ”wake-up call” til at det haster med både små og store indsatser, som kan dæmpe den globale opvarmning i tide.
Følg pengene: Linsedeller eller røde bøffer?
Danskerne har et af de største klimaaftryk fra fødevareforbruget i verden målt pr. indbygger. Fulgte vi bare kostrådene, kunne vi hente en kæmpe klimagevinst.
The Carbon Footprint Of (Nearly) Everything
4:22 | We decided to put together The Carbon Footprint Of (Nearly) Everything. We hope this helps you understand the emissions you can directly affect through personal choices, and the emissions that you can affect through political and social choices.
The Surprising Climate Benefits of Sharing Your Stuff
11:24 | Tessa Clarke believes that sharing more and wasting less is an underrated solution to the climate crisis.
Drop bøffen, tag cyklen og red Kloden
8:28 | Vi var med til lokal premiere på en særlig Klimaregnemaskine, da Odense Klimaforvaltning og Vanebrudspalæet fra Århus inviterede til Familiens Klimatopmøde i café Bronx.
Klima Folkemøde i Krisetid
19:53 | I Middelfart talte vi bl.a. med klimaminister Dan Jørgensen, Sebastian Mernild fra FN’s klimapanel og Connie Hedegaard fra CONCITO. Men også Enhedslistens Søren Egge, Sophie Dideriksen fra projekt Naboskab og en repræsentant fra Extinction Rebellion.
How the rich wreck the climate (and how to stop them)
11:53 | Private jets. Mega-yachts. Helicopters. Mansions. The luxury lifestyles of the ultra-rich are pumping our air full of pollutants. So how do we clean them up – and why is progress so slow?
How to Find Joy in Climate Action
10:11 | We can all play a role in the climate movement by tapping into our skills, resources and networks in ways that bring us satisfaction.
Made of pollution: How CO2 is recycled to make your things
7:33 | Some companies are trying to make a carbon difference by manufacturing products made out of pollution. But is it really helping?
Business fights climate change
12:26 | Everyone produces CO2 emissions each day. Businessman Dirk Gratzel has calculated his carbon footprint to date. He aims to erase it fully by the end of his lifetime.
Why Big Oil loves to talk about your carbon footprint
12:46 | Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what’s Big Oil got to do with it?
What you can do about climate change!
8:16 | In the final episode of The Breakdown, we explore climate solutions, looking at the difference between individual and systemic change and ultimately why we must all join the climate movement!
Can you really affect climate change? Yes. You can. Here’s how…
22:59 | This video looks at ten areas of your life where you can make a positive difference.
The truth about Bitcoin’s energy use
6:06 | Do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin amount to climate arson or a clean-energy boon? Well, it’s complicated.
Eve: the off-grid life of a nine-year-old climate activist
21:06 | Eve is the intimate story of a nine-year-old girl living in Tinkers Bubble, one of the oldest off-grid communities in the UK.
Refrigerants: The climate killer hiding in your kitchen
9:23 | Did you know greenhouse gases thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide are lurking in your home?
How your Zoom call could help save the climate
10:42 | The coronavirus pandemic showed us that meetings can (very) often be video calls. And by commuting and traveling less, we don’t just save time, but also emissions.
What’s the most climate-friendly milk?
9:20 | Eating green is overwhelming. It feels like ANYTHING you buy will hurt the planet. But when it comes to milk, some choices are better than others.
Supertanker: Vi kan redde klimaet, hvis vi vil
Der er masser af ting, vi som enkeltindivider kan gøre, for at redde det skrantende globale klima. Det nytter ikke at lægge hele ansvaret over på store virksomheder og regeringer.
Why your ‘Carbon Footprint’ Is A Lie
9:53 | We’ve got a big ol’ task ahead of us and it’s important to start our collective engines (figurative, not literal) on reducing our government’s fossil fuel use.
Kend Dit Klima
30:17 | Karin og Sofie fra “Kend dit klima” afslører forskellen mellem miljø og klima og snakker om klima i dagligdagen.
Klima og monopolet
37:44 | UngEnergis Klimamonopol diskuterer dine klimadilemmaer! Deltagerne er Tobias Nørkjær Holmgaard fra UngEnergi, Birgitte Ringgaard Diget fra Global Aktion og Extinction Rebellion – og en hemmelig gæst!
Klimasamtale på tværs af generationer
40:30 | Hvad er unge, voksne og ældre villige til at ofre i klimakampens navn? Og hvor går grænsen for, hvad vi vil give afkald på? Per K. Larsen, Lise Tjørring og Janus Emil Mariager repræsenterer tre forskellige generationer.
Omstilling – oppefra, nedefra – indefra
38:26 | Debat om den grønne omstilling, bæredygtighed, forholdet mellem klimakrisen og biodiversitetskrisen og mellem politiske og individuelle initiativer. Med Selma De Montgomery Nørgård, Birgitte Baadegaard og Mickey Gjerris.
3 hacks til klimavenlig streaming
7:04 | Vidste du, at det faktisk er ret nemt at streame lidt mere klimavenligt?
What does Net Zero emissions actually mean?
5:56 | To stop climate change the world needs to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions. But what does this actually mean?
Greenwashing. Is it still a thing?
14:41 | Is GREENWASHING even still a thing or have big corporations finally started to tell us the truth?
What YOU can do about climate change
11:35 | We envision ourselves more as consumers than as citizens. As a result actions like flying less, zero waste, and recycling are prioritized over voting, protesting, and system change.
Den bedste julegave til klimaet!
5:09 | Vi forbruger i forvejen alt for meget i Danmark, men op til jul stikker det helt af!
The problem with Black Friday
9:06 | I look at the environmental impacts of Black Friday and Cyber Monday as well as the social problems.
Is the Internet bad for the environment?
8:17 | How the internet works through data centers and networks, both of which contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions through massive energy demand.
Is Ecosia legit?
7:28 | Is Ecosia real when they say Ecosia plants trees for every web search you make?
The Best Cars For the Climate
7:29 | Say you’re looking to buy a car. How do you pick the best car for the planet? There’s already a lot to consider when choosing a new ride, and factoring in climate change makes it even trickier.
Fighting Climate Change: Structural vs individual action
4:42 | We need to stop emitting greenhouse gases to stop global warming, but how do we get there? Should we be cutting our own emissions or pushing for systemic change?
Making Clothes Less Terrible for the Planet
7:40 | Clothing is something we have to think about every day, but we don’t always think about how our clothes impact the planet.
Climate heroes – carbon neutral living
12:01 | Global warming is one of the biggest threats to humanity. Karin Beese and her family refuse to look on helplessly.
How A Sticker Kept 3 Billion Tons of CO2 Out of The Air
5:15 | Energy efficiency standards have quietly been saving people mountains of money and helping avoid planet-warming emissions at the same time.
How Much Energy Does the Internet Use?
3:59 | About half the world has internet access. That’s 3.6 billion people surfing the web. How much energy is that using? And what is our online world doing to our planet’s climate?
How to talk to kids about climate and the environment
25:49 | Heidi Edmonds is an ecologist, an engineer, an artist and a mum, and has recently helped launch two new climate networks; Australian Mums for Safe Climate and Australian Parents for Climate Action.
Solar Power and Battery Storage
12:55 | Roof top solar power installations are becoming a truly viable option for domestic households as prices tumble. Here’s a step by step guide to how to get started and a bit of detail about the system I chose for my own home.
Hvordan kan jeg selv gøre en forskel for klimaet i min egen dagligdag? Hvordan handler jeg som borger eller forbruger? Og hvordan håndterer jeg bevidstheden om de problemer, som klimakrisen fører med sig?