The Carbon Footprint Of (Nearly) Everything

The Carbon Footprint Of (Nearly) Everything

4:22 | We decided to put together The Carbon Footprint Of (Nearly) Everything. We hope this helps you understand the emissions you can directly affect through personal choices, and the emissions that you can affect through political and social choices.

Business fights climate change

Business fights climate change

12:26 | Everyone produces CO2 emissions each day. Businessman Dirk Gratzel has calculated his carbon footprint to date. He aims to erase it fully by the end of his lifetime.

Klima og monopolet

Klima og monopolet

37:44 | UngEnergis Klimamonopol diskuterer dine klimadilemmaer! Deltagerne er Tobias Nørkjær Holmgaard fra UngEnergi, Birgitte Ringgaard Diget fra Global Aktion og Extinction Rebellion – og en hemmelig gæst!

The Best Cars For the Climate

The Best Cars For the Climate

7:29 | Say you’re looking to buy a car. How do you pick the best car for the planet? There’s already a lot to consider when choosing a new ride, and factoring in climate change makes it even trickier.