18. december 2023 | Topmøder
17:07 | Our global leaders all gathered in one of the biggest oil producing nations to discuss with more than two thousand oil industry lobbyists exactly how they should legislate in the coming decades. What could possibly go wrong?
2. december 2023 | Kreative indslag, Lokal handling, Topmøder, Video på dansk
30:00 | Så er der taget hul på endnu et FN klimatopmøde COP28 i Dubai. Et topmøde hvor alle alarmklokker om den globale opvarmning, siger at det NU er alvor hvis man skal undgå de såkaldte ”tipping points”.
26. november 2023 | Klimakrisen, Lokal handling, Topmøder, Transport, Video på dansk
1:00:00 | TV Udsyn ser i denne udgave frem mod FN’s klimatopmøde COP28 med reportager fra flere klimapolitiske perspektiver.
25. september 2023 | Topmøder
15:37 | World leaders just gathered at the UN in New York to discuss the climate, ahead of the main COP 28 climate conference coming up in November 2023.
3. december 2022 | Topmøder, Video på dansk
11:49 | Tænk sig hvis vi alvor havde taget fat i 90’erne, da vi fik klimakonventionen. Så havde vi ikke stået her i dag. Sagde klimatalsmand John Nordbo fra CARE efter have deltaget i det 27ende klimatopmøde i FN.
28. november 2022 | Klimakrisen, Topmøder
12:48 | More and more mainstream organisations now say our politicians have already failed, and that average global temperature increases higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are now inevitable. So, who are we to believe?
26. november 2022 | Aktivisme, Topmøder, Video på dansk
30:00 | Odense ser Rødt har i denne udgave set på klima sammen med en forsker og en ung tålmodig aktivist.
11. november 2022 | Topmøder
15:47 | In a crucial year for the climate, Fiona Harvey reflects on 30 years of Cops and meets the politicians, activists and scientists asking who is responsible for saving the planet.
23. december 2021 | Forskning, Klimakrisen, Politik, Politik - USA, Politik - Verden, Topmøder
14:07 | I made some 2021 climate change predictions in a video this January, so let’s see how I did!
22. november 2021 | Topmøder
18:03 | Our leaders tell us that the COP 26 climate conference in Glasgow was a success, but hundreds of thousands of climate activists outside the event did not seem to share that optimism.
16. november 2021 | Topmøder
22:58 | Just what is COP26 all about? And what will make it a success? In this episode, I embark on the challenge of presenting our unheard voices at COP26.
10. november 2021 | Topmøder
20:36 | As I arrive in Glasgow for COP26 with glaciology professor Dr. Alun Hubbard, I’m looking back at the last 30 years to see what action – and inaction – has led to the mess we’re currently in.
28. oktober 2021 | Topmøder
13:13 | Can our politicians filter out the cacophony of climate noise in the world right now and focus on the key priorities that will actually make a difference?
17. august 2021 | Topmøder
12:35 | Nigel Topping shares three rules of radical collaboration that could positively disrupt the patterns of the global economy and help humanity tackle the world’s greatest threat: climate change.
17. juli 2021 | Topmøder
9:02 | We take a look back at all the COPs of the past, the crucial turning points of the Paris climate agreement, and the 2018 IPCC report in order to understand why COP 26 in Glasgow is so important in our attempts to limit temperature rise.
30. oktober 2020 | Politik, Topmøder
4:26 | So far, only Gambia and Morocco are hitting their emission targets, while the biggest emitters are falling flat, or ignoring their goals entirely. How can we hold these countries accountable? Enter the Climate Action Tracker.
16. december 2019 | Topmøder
5:40 | COP25 President Carolina Schmidt ended marathon UN climate talks in Madrid with agreement on some key points. But the most contentious issue between participating nations and protesters alike remains unresolved.
12. december 2019 | Topmøder
11:55 | COP 25 Madrid – 11 December 2019 – High Level Event on Climate Emergency.
24. september 2019 | Topmøder
5:19 | “You have stolen my childhood and my dreams with your empty words”
13. februar 2019 | Topmøder
9:50 | Thirty years after the world’s most successful environmental treaty was signed, atmospheric scientist Sean Davis examines the world we avoided when we banned chlorofluorocarbons.
20. december 2018 | Topmøder
6:18 | I went to COP24 in Katowice, where the world was hoping to work towards halting global warming. It made me more sad and angry than I have ever been about climate change before.
15. december 2018 | Topmøder
4:03 | The world may already have the Paris Climate Agreement, but any deal needs its rules. Negotiators are hammering out the final deals of the ‘Paris rulebook’. But even if they can agree, there’s still plenty more to be done.
14. december 2018 | Topmøder
4:12 | To stop global warming the world needs to cough up the cash. A big part of the negotiations in Katowice revolve around climate finance – the transfer of money from rich countries to poor.
13. december 2018 | Topmøder
4:36 | What does it mean when world leaders can’t agree to welcome an IPCC climate change report that they asked for just a few years ago?
12. december 2018 | Topmøder
4:15 | World leaders are meeting in Poland to tackle climate change at the 24th United Nations climate talks. ClimateAdam breaks COP24 down, and sets out on a voyage across Europe.
2. juni 2018 | Demonstrationer, Politik, Topmøder, Video på dansk
13:47 | Vi var til klimapolitisk demonstration forud for COP23 i Bonn, og har klippet en række politiske reaktioner.
30. september 2017 | Forskning, Topmøder
9:25 | Stefan Rahmstorf talks about the role of the Paris Agreement in 2015, why we need to aim higher if we want to keep global temperature increase at or below 2°C.
3. august 2017 | Politik, Politik - USA, Topmøder
11:57 | The U.S., which, under the Obama administration, was a major force in creating the 2015 Paris accord, is now almost alone among nations in rejecting this commitment.
14. juni 2017 | Forskning, Topmøder
11:28 | Stefan Rahmstorf talks about the premise behind the paper “Why the right climate target was agreed in Paris”.
7. juni 2017 | Politik, Politik - USA, Topmøder
8:10 | President Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris climate change agreement. Consequently, world leaders and US companies queue up to criticize him.
16. marts 2017 | Politik, Topmøder
1:34:25 | “Cambridge Climate Lecture Series 2017”. Du kan se forelæsningerne gratis online.
4. marts 2017 | Havet stiger, Topmøder
12:25 | Climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf talks about his research on global sea level rise, extreme weather events, the Gulf Stream System and the role of the Paris Agreement in 2015.
16. november 2016 | Topmøder
2:07 | Go behind the scenes with Arnold Schwarzenegger as he covers the COP21, the U.N. climate conference that lead to a historic international agreement to address climate change.
29. oktober 2016 | Topmøder
3:19 | Leonardo DiCaprio discusses the UNFCCC Paris agreement and the future impacts of climate change with U.S. President Barack Obama.
12. maj 2016 | Topmøder
14:50 | When Christiana Figueres was tapped by the UN to lead the Paris climate conference (COP 21) in December 2015, she thought it would be impossible to bring the leaders of 195 countries into agreement on how to slow climate change.
12. april 2016 | Topmøder, Video på dansk
14:47 | COP21 i Paris sluttede med en aftale, som udløste begejstring hos de deltagende parter. Men måske var begejstringen mest udtryk for, at det overhovedet lykkedes at få en aftale, som alle kunne skrive under på.
1. april 2016 | Topmøder
45:17 | Dr. Henrik Selin assesses the recent Paris agreement and he explains why public engagement and pressure willor might be essential to establishing a viable climate policy.
10. februar 2016 | Topmøder
6:55 | Journalists and scientists weigh in on the Paris Climate Change agreement of 2015.
27. januar 2016 | Topmøder, Video på dansk
8:10 | Verdens lande besluttede allerede i 1992, at menneskets påvirkning af klimaet ikke måtte udgøre en fare for vores samfund og for miljøet. Men siden er der kun sket meget lidt…
30. december 2015 | Topmøder
6:01 | We Can Still Save the Planet – Paris, 2015.
15. december 2015 | Topmøder
1:20 | Her er Parisaftalen! Resten er op til os.
13. december 2015 | Topmøder
2:52 | 195 countries just made a historic agreement to battle climate change. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the politics and details.
8. december 2015 | Topmøder
3:10 | If you could tell world leaders one thing about climate change, what would you say? Youth leaders from across the globe tell what they want from world leaders at the Paris Climate Conference.
5. december 2015 | Topmøder
7:38 | On 5 December at the UN Climate Change Conference (Action Day) astronauts sent a passionate message from the International Space Station to delegates calling for an effective action on climate change.
4. december 2015 | Aktivisme, Arktis/Antarktis, Kreative indslag, Topmøder
2:34 | On the occasion of COP 21, the artists Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing brought 12 blocks of ice, harvested from free-floating icebergs in a fjord outside Nuuk, Greenland, to Place du Panthéon, Paris.
12. november 2015 | Topmøder
7:21 | Klimaaftalen i Paris. Forstå hvordan de indmeldte 186 klimaplaner bidrager til omkring 3,5 graders opvarmning…
20. oktober 2015 | Topmøder
3:36 | The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP11 will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015.
25. september 2014 | Topmøder
1:31 | ”Global opvarmning er en enorm trussel mod menneskelig sundhed, den globale fødevaresikkerhed og hele det naturgrundlag som vores fælles fremtid afhænger af”.