Are Electric Vehicles a MISTAKE?

Are Electric Vehicles a MISTAKE?

10:39 | Well, to listen to certain sections of the mainstream press and social media, you’d be forgiven for thinking that they’re a disastrous concept and their sales are tanking fast. But does that tally up with the real-world data?

Europa på skinner #3 – Cyklisme

Europa på skinner #3 – Cyklisme

Transport står for omkring 25% af udledningen af CO2 i Europa. To af SF’s kandidater til Europa-Parlamentet forsøger at blive klogere på, hvordan vi kan fremme cyklisme i Danmark og Europa. Til at hjælpe sig har de denne gang Sidsel Birk Hjuler og Kenneth Øhrberg Krag fra Dansk Cyklistforbund.

Europa på skinner #3 – Cyklisme

Genstart: Skam dig!

Debatten om Theresa Scavenius’ klimaskadelige flyrejser har startet en heftig debat om hykleri, individuelt ansvar og skam. Men hvad er der egentlig galt i at føle klimaskam?

Why electric cars are finally taking over

Why electric cars are finally taking over

10:41 | We’ve known how to build electric cars since long before Tesla came around. And yet, for more than 100 years, we’ve largely relied on the internal combustion engine to get us from A to B. But that’s changing – faster than we might expect.

Are EVs really better for the climate?

Are EVs really better for the climate?

12:03 | Once all the carbon costs of extracting, processing and manufacturing are taken into account, how much lower is the overall lifetime carbon footprint of an EV compared to and ICE car?

Klimakamp på flere fronter

Klimakamp på flere fronter

1:00:00 | TV Udsyn har set på: Den lokale målsætning om at Odense Kommune skal være klimaneutral i 2030. Det teknologiske arbejde med at omdanne CO2 til flydende klimavenligt brændstof. Og en personlig indsats for et bæredygtigt liv i landsbyen Begejstringe.

3 Ways to Make Flying More Climate-Friendly

3 Ways to Make Flying More Climate-Friendly

9:17 | Piloting us into a future of green aviation, innovator Ryah Whalen shares three ways to lower the industry’s carbon footprint through smarter designs, eco-friendly fuel and new technology.

Driving on Solar

Driving on Solar

47:26 | The solar car, an electric car with built-in solar panels, will be on the market in 2022. From 2030 onwards, no new cars may be sold in the Netherlands that run on petrol or diesel.

How green are electric cars?

How green are electric cars?

4:44 | With lingering questions over the mining of rare metals, battery manufacturing and electricity consumption, we investigates whether electric vehicles are as green as we’ve been led to believe.