KlimaTV – Klimakrisen
Have we lost control of METHANE gas?
13:40 | The new 2024 Methane Budget from the Global Carbon Tracker tells us that it has been accelerating in recent years reaching record levels between 2017 and 2024.
Tipping Points og Klima inden COP29
2:59 | På mandag den 11. november begynder FN’s Klimatopmøde, COP29. I den forbindelse har vi klippet en kort reportage, om klimavirkeligheden anno 2024.
Is there ANY optimistic climate news? YES. There is…
10:17 | It’s tempting to think the cause of climate mitigation is now all but dead. But just at the top of a very black cloud there is a faint glimmer of a brighter lining.
The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand
18:35 | Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth’s resilience to human pressure.
Melting wetlands – How can nature slow down climate change?
42:25 | Bogs and swamps contain more carbon than all other ground vegetation. As the permafrost melts, greenhouse gases are released, which in turn accelerate global warming.
The debate over the Anthropocene, explained
9:43 | In 2009, geologists first started investigating whether the Anthropocene should be formally recognized as part of the way we record geologic time.
The biggest blind spot of climate change
13:15 | It’s almost impossible to pin down how much the military emits globally. We are talking about a sector with a budget of 2.2 trillion dollars using helicopters, tanks, ships, fighter planes.
Is PERMAFROST the Climate Tipping Point of No Return?
11:59 | Arctic air is warming, causing scientists to worry that melting arctic ice and snow could also lead to a sudden permafrost thaw and release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that forms a climate tipping point.
This is The Methane Moment
2:30 | Slashing methane emissions as quickly as possible is the fastest way to slow global warming.
Yes, the Earth is Still Warming in 2023
2:26 | A quick video about the latest climate assessment 2023.
Global Warming: The Century We Saved Earth
1:10:40 | In this documentary I present a fictional, optimistic account of the 21st century, told retrospectively from the year 2100.
Meet Methane, the Invisible Climate Villain
9:21 | Biochemical engineer Marcelo Mena explains the source of methane, why its emissions need to be cut in half by 2050 — and what you can do to help.
Klimakamp Lokalt Nationalt Globalt
1:00:00 | TV Udsyn ser i denne udgave frem mod FN’s klimatopmøde COP28 med reportager fra flere klimapolitiske perspektiver.
We Actually Have a Shot at Stopping the Climate Crisis
6:57 | How is the US going to reach net zero by 2050? That’s the question Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, director of the Office of Science for the US Department of Energy, is urgently trying to answer.
Heavy industry and global greenhouse gas emissions – What does the future hold?
28:25 | Industry is responsible for almost half of the world’s CO2 emissions. And heavy industry represents the lion’s share of those. But heavy industry is under pressure to make the switch to renewables in record time.
Can the US and China Take On Climate Change Together?
13:14 | Climate change doesn’t care about ideological divides, says policy analyst and China expert Changhua Wu. Here’s what she says the US can learn from the progress China has made on the clean energy revolution.
Emissions free cooling. Can we do it?
11:20 | We can’t eliminate air conditioning, because millions of people would literally die. So what are we doing to try to solve a rapidly worsening problem?
The greenhouse gas no one is talking about
11:39 | You may know laughing gas from your visit to the dentist. But did you know that it’s actually a climate killer – 300 times as potent as CO₂? Why is no one talking about it? And how can we to stop it?
Folkemøde Klima lokalt og globalt
1:00:00 | Klimafolkemødet i Middelfart har de senere år været et opløftende ”wake-up call” til at det haster med både små og store indsatser, som kan dæmpe den globale opvarmning i tide.
Inden Klimaet går helt Amok
30:00 | TV Odense ser Rødt har som mange andre været vidne til en sommer, hvor de igangværende klimaforandringer også er blevet nærværende tæt på i Europa.
Climate Action Is on the Cusp of Exponential Growth
7:52 | Climate action is speeding up — and we each have the power to push that transformation forward.
Are future humans really our problem?
15:20 | Is our short-term thinking risking the future prosperity and possibly even survival of our descendants? Many scientists say very emphatically yes!
Klimalys for enden af lang, lang tunnel
11:45 | Vi har talt med hovedforfatteren til den seneste rapport fra FN’s Klimapanel om den globale opvarmning, klimaforsker Sebastian Mernild.
Latest UN report on Climate Change. How we doin’?
12:13 | Are we actually doomed as some commentators suggest, or is there any way at all that we can drag ourselves out of our self inflicted train wreck?
Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth
45:20 | The story of how one man cost us a world with less than 2°C of warming in 1989. This is a follow-up video to Global Warming: An Inconvenient History, going into much more detail of events from 1979 to 1989.
Every known climate projection, and which ones might really work!
12:51 | There are still more than 1200 different future pathways outlined in the latest IPPC report. Now a team of journalists and scientists has assessed those pathways to find out if any of them is genuinely achievable.
Er “klimahysteriet” virkelig gået for vidt?
8:44 | Hvorfor taler klimaaktivister og forskere så alarmerende, som de gør?
Have We Made ANY Progress on Climate Change? Here’s The Data, You Decide
13:47 | Tune into this episode of Weathered to see where we’ve been in our race against the clock, where we’re going, and how the RCP scenarios can help us understand this story as well as our future on this planet.
Are climate targets now pointless?
12:48 | More and more mainstream organisations now say our politicians have already failed, and that average global temperature increases higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are now inevitable. So, who are we to believe?
Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming
8:09 | One part of the atmosphere has been cooling down for the past few decades and it provides a smoking gun evidence for what is behind the climate crisis. Let’s talk about where that is, and why that is.
Climate Scientist reacts to King Charles III Speeches
18:25 | King Charles III has been outspoken on environmental issues like global warming for years. So how do the words in his speeches compare to what we know about the climate crisis?
How the Amazon has started to heat the planet
5:56 | The Amazon rainforest absorbs huge amount of CO2 and helps to cool the world, but recent studies have shown the rainforest is approaching a tipping point.
The invisible gas no one is talking about
14:00 | There are no silver bullets in the fight against climate change — but there are some blindingly obvious solutions that wouldn’t hurt anybody.
John Doerr and Ryan Panchadsaram: An action plan for solving the climate crisis
11:36 | “How much more damage do we have to endure before we realize that it’s cheaper to save this planet than to ruin it?”
Carbon Dioxide Emissions 1950-2020 (Climate part I)
12:05 | Using 4000 or so markers we visualize the human impact on climate change during the last 70 years.
Ilissa Ocko: The fastest way to slow climate change now
9:57 | “Cutting methane is the single fastest, most effective opportunity to reduce climate change risks in the near term,” says atmospheric scientist Ilissa Ocko.
Amina J. Mohammed: A new perspective on the journey to net-zero
8:03 | Climate action can be a vehicle to deliver dignity, opportunity and equality for all.
Climate change in review: 2021
14:07 | I made some 2021 climate change predictions in a video this January, so let’s see how I did!
Al Gore: How to make radical climate action the new normal
15:41 | A net-zero future is possible, but first we need to flip a mental switch to truly understand that we can stop the climate crisis if we try.
Al Gore: How to make radical climate action the new normal
15:41 | A net-zero future is possible, but first we need to flip a mental switch to truly understand that we can stop the climate crisis if we try, says Nobel laureate Al Gore.
The 55 Gigaton Challenge
5:52 | This is the climate challenge we face: we need to go from putting 55 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases into the air each year to zero.
This Explosive Gas Is Heating Our Planet. Can We Capture It?
13:36 | Methane is a molecule that causes a bit of a conundrum: On the one hand, it’s a fuel that burns cleaner than coal or oil. On the other hand, it’s a greenhouse gas that’s 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Climate Catastrophe – How did we get here?!
6:56 | In The Breakdown: Episode 1, we kick off the series with a big picture look at the history of our planet.
The tipping points that could change the Earth forever
3:34 | How close are we to a climate tipping point?
Degrees of Uncertainty
24:08 | Degrees of Uncertainty is an animated data-driven documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts.
Global greenhouse gas 2021 rebound. Is there any chance of staying under 1.5 degrees Celsius?
14:24 | Global greenhouse emissions dropped by 7% in 2020, for reasons that we all understand only too well. As we approach the half way mark in 2021…
How clouds influence climate change
9:26 | This video talks about how clouds interact with climate – what happens when we warm the planet, and will clouds act as a positive or a negative feedback?
Is it too late to avoid 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming?
10:40 | Climate Change comes into sharp focus in 2021 / 22.
Udvalgte videoer om den udledning af drivhusgasser, der har ført til de aktuelle menneskeskabte klimaændringer og den krise i samfundet, de fører med sig.