KlimaTV – Klimakrisen

The biggest blind spot of climate change

The biggest blind spot of climate change

13:15 | It’s almost impossible to pin down how much the military emits globally. We are talking about a sector with a budget of 2.2 trillion dollars using helicopters, tanks, ships, fighter planes.

Is PERMAFROST the Climate Tipping Point of No Return?

Is PERMAFROST the Climate Tipping Point of No Return?

11:59 | Arctic air is warming, causing scientists to worry that melting arctic ice and snow could also lead to a sudden permafrost thaw and release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that forms a climate tipping point.

Can the US and China Take On Climate Change Together?

Can the US and China Take On Climate Change Together?

13:14 | Climate change doesn’t care about ideological divides, says policy analyst and China expert Changhua Wu. Here’s what she says the US can learn from the progress China has made on the clean energy revolution.

The greenhouse gas no one is talking about

The greenhouse gas no one is talking about

11:39 | You may know laughing gas from your visit to the dentist. But did you know that it’s actually a climate killer – 300 times as potent as CO₂? Why is no one talking about it? And how can we to stop it?

Folkemøde Klima lokalt og globalt

Folkemøde Klima lokalt og globalt

1:00:00 | Klimafolkemødet i Middelfart har de senere år været et opløftende ”wake-up call” til at det haster med både små og store indsatser, som kan dæmpe den globale opvarmning i tide.

Inden Klimaet går helt Amok

Inden Klimaet går helt Amok

30:00 | TV Odense ser Rødt har som mange andre været vidne til en sommer, hvor de igangværende klimaforandringer også er blevet nærværende tæt på i Europa.

Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth

Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth

45:20 | The story of how one man cost us a world with less than 2°C of warming in 1989. This is a follow-up video to Global Warming: An Inconvenient History, going into much more detail of events from 1979 to 1989.

Are climate targets now pointless?

Are climate targets now pointless?

12:48 | More and more mainstream organisations now say our politicians have already failed, and that average global temperature increases higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are now inevitable. So, who are we to believe?

Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

8:09 | One part of the atmosphere has been cooling down for the past few decades and it provides a smoking gun evidence for what is behind the climate crisis. Let’s talk about where that is, and why that is.

The 55 Gigaton Challenge

The 55 Gigaton Challenge

5:52 | This is the climate challenge we face: we need to go from putting 55 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases into the air each year to zero.

Degrees of Uncertainty

Degrees of Uncertainty

24:08 | Degrees of Uncertainty is an animated data-driven documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts.

How clouds influence climate change

How clouds influence climate change

9:26 | This video talks about how clouds interact with climate – what happens when we warm the planet, and will clouds act as a positive or a negative feedback?

Udvalgte videoer om den udledning af drivhusgasser, der har ført til de aktuelle menneskeskabte klimaændringer og den krise i samfundet, de fører med sig.