KlimaTV – Klimamodstand
“Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)”
37:06 | All the errors and fakery from “Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)” that I can fit in.
‘Top CO2 facts’
26:17 | How much and how little CO2 is “plant food.”
What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know
25:44 | In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time.
This 4-minute video got climate “denialists” very excited
13:18 | (and doesn’t say what they think it says!)
The Fairy Tales of the Fossil Fuel Industry – and a Better Climate Story
9:57 | The fossil fuel industry is a factory of fairy tales, says activist and School Strike for Climate organizer Luisa Neubauer.
Exposed: The smear tactics against wind and solar
12:00 | We started debunking some of the biggest myths about wind and solar energy – and ended up in a world of shady lobby groups and secret money streams.
Er “klimahysteriet” virkelig gået for vidt?
8:44 | Hvorfor taler klimaaktivister og forskere så alarmerende, som de gør?
What the new “Climate Declaration” doesn’t tell us
20:43 | (nudge nudge, wink wink)
Climate Change is Good Because Less Cold
6:07 | Marjorie Taylor Green tells us why climate change is good for us. As with all her other conspiracy theories, this one is also crazy.
The Power of Big Oil, Part Three: Delay
53:18 | The final episode of a three-part docuseries investigating what scientists, corporations and politicians have known about human-caused climate change for decades.
The Power of Big Oil Part Two: Doubt
54:17 | Watch part two of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial
1:24:18 | Watch part one of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.
Ben Shapiro Returns to College
10:46 | Ben Shapiro returns to a college campus to teach them about pseudoscience.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 205: Safe Passage
50:08 | Bradley Whitford examines the grass-roots efforts to build consensus on Capitol Hill that global warming is a critical issue. Ty Burrell takes to the open road to investigate the future of an American way of life: the automobile.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 106: Winds of Change
58:11 | In episode six, America Ferrera profiles prominent climate skeptic James Taylor of the Heartland Institute. Mark Bittman returns to conduct a yearlong investigation into natural gas.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 103: The Surge
52:52 | In episode three, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes shadows climate change denier, Republican Congressman Michael Grimm for a year in Staten Island and conservationist M. Sanjayan travels to the ends of the earth — including Christmas Island.
Why Big Oil loves to talk about your carbon footprint
12:46 | Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what’s Big Oil got to do with it?
Exxon Lobbyist Caught on Camera Going Full Cartoon Villain
14:28 | Oh my god! He admit it!
Fossil fuel companies have been lying to you!
9:43 | Fossil fuel companies have been lying to us. They’ve known about climate change for decades, and have buried the science in an effort to continue business as usual.
Scientists are Wrong! But Right! But also Wrong!
11:13 | Enemies of Science continues on their claims on climate change denial. Will you die from Climate Change?
Climategate and climate conspiracy theories
34:00 | This video focuses on conspiracy theories, delving into the seven traits of conspiratorial thinking. I also delve into conspiracy theories about climate change and how they emerged from the dark corners of the Internet to briefly go mainstream during the “climategate” incident in 2009.
The Story of Climate Consensus
22:13 | The scientific consensus on human-caused global warming has been a fierce topic for decades. To understand why, you need to know the history of consensus.
The five climate disbeliefs: a crash course in climate misinformation
27:29 | You can summarize climate change in just ten words: it’s real, it’s us, experts agree, it’s bad, there’s hope. Climate change misinformation is like a bizarro world version of this.
“Best Known Climate Skeptic” Undermines Scientific Consensus
13:38 | Today we’ll have a brief talk about man-made climate change the scientific consensus surrounding it.
If the world is warming, why are there more polar bears now?
12:32 | The crooked scientific mainstream would have us believe that the Arctic is melting and the world is on fire, but if that’s true then why are there so many polar bears?
Busting Climate Myths : The Psychology of Denial
28:36 | Debunking myths about Climate Change is a crucial factor in closing the gap between public and scientific consensus. The good news is that the gap is narrowing quickly.
Cranky Uncle’s 5 techniques of science denial
2:18 | An introduction to the five techniques of science denial: Fake experts, Logical fallacies, Impossible expectations, Cherry picking, and Conspiracy theories (FLICC).
What BIG OIL knew about climate change since the 1950s…
15:04 | This video is the true story of what the oil industry knew about climate change and what they did about it between the 1950s and today.
How ExxonMobil Controls Our Lives
15:49 | From the Exxon Valdez Oil spill to their pipeline projects in Chad and Cameroon, ExxonMobil has carved a sharp path through communities and through the climate.
The Techniques of Science Denial Part 3
8:21 | Learn to make sense of the science and to respond to climate change denial.
The Techniques of Science Denial Part 2
8:17 | Learn to make sense of the science and to respond to climate change denial.
The Techniques of Science Denial Part 1
7:31 | Learn to make sense of the science and to respond to climate change denial.
Videnskab.dk: Klimaskeptiske påstande skydes ned
I denne uges podcast kan du ikke kun blive klogere på videnskaben bag klimaforandringer. Du får også skyts til at debattere med folk, der ikke tror på, at klimaforandringer er menneskeskabte.
Climate Scientist reacts to Donald Trump’s climate comments
9:16 | ClimateAdam takes a look at some of the most… remarkable climate change comments from Trump.
Climate Science Denied as Trump Admin Orders Halt on Long Term Projections
11:29 | One way in which climate change deniers are getting their way in the Trump administration is by subverting the application of scientific findings by ignoring long-term projections when setting policy.
Climate denial isn’t stopping climate action. Here’s what is.
3:06 | With David Wallace-Wells.
Truth Under Siege: Climate Knowledge in an Age of Transparency, Skepticism, and Science Denial
1:24:50 | Paul Edwards writes and teaches about the history, politics, and culture of information infrastructures.
Big Oil Knew: The Confusion Memo
3:41 | An internal oil industry memo has surfaced, revealing a secret plan to wage a disinformation campaign on the American public.
The War on Science – and What We Need to Do
38:03 | Dr. Andrew Rosenberg explains how Trump’s administration impedes environmental and health regulations, rejects facts about climate change, and undermines the work of science-related government agencies.
Watch the US stall on climate change for 12 years
12:05 | It was once a bipartisan issue, but now one of America’s major parties acts like climate science doesn’t exist.
How “Climate Skepticism” is Funded
10:49 | Kert Davies, Director of the Climate Investigations Center, joins David Pakman to discuss the funding of so-called “climate skeptics”.
Confidential Shell Oil Report Prompts Lawsuit: They Knew About Climate Change Decades Ago
9:30 | What Royal Dutch Shell knew about fossil fuel driving climate change and when they knew it.
Climate ‘Skeptic’ Flips, Now Backs Action
7:34 | Jerry Taylor for more than two decades was a leading spokesperson against concerns expressed by the climate science community and, accordingly, against taking action on greenhouse gases. All that has changed.
Government, Oil and Climate Change
18:21 | Kevin Taft (Alberta Liberal Party) talks about his new book, “Oil’s Deep State: How the Petroleum Industry Undermines Democracy and Stops Action on Global Warming.”
Why climate change skepticism stops climate action
5:19 | Why climate change skepticism and denial are so effective at thwarting needed climate action.
Danny Glover Narrates: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science
32:05 | A documentary special reveals the multi-million dollar campaign that led to a climate change denier being elected president.
The Doubt Machine: Inside the Koch Brothers’ War on Climate Science
29:53 | This documentary reveals how the Koch Brothers have used their vast wealth to ensure the American political system takes no action on climate change.
Climate Change in Trumpland
4:49 | A brief look at Trump’s (anti) environmental actions during his first 100 days in office.
Et mindretal benægter stadig, at der findes menneskeskabte klimaændringer eller at de kommer til at give reelle problemer.