KlimaTV – Klimamodstand

The Madhouse Effect

The Madhouse Effect

30:52 | Michael E. Mann talks about the ongoing campaign to deny the climate change threat through satire, built around Tom Toles’ famously insightful, edgy, and provocative climate-themed cartoons.

How Dead is Denial?

How Dead is Denial?

2:05 | Stefan Rahmstorf and Michael E. Mann talk about denial and the science of climate change.

What Exxon Knew

What Exxon Knew

9:24 | Scientists at Exxon Oil Corporation conducted research on climate change and the greenhouse effect in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Vocal minority

Vocal minority

5:59 | John Cook explains the vocal minority using research from The Six Americas report and from the article, “Your opinion on climate change might not be as common as you think,”

Kari Norgaard – Living in Denial

Kari Norgaard – Living in Denial

36:23 | In her lecture, professor Kari Norgaard describes the disturbing emotions of guilt, helplessness and fear of the future that arose when people in a community in western Norway were confronted with the idea of climate change.

Et mindretal benægter stadig, at der findes menneskeskabte klimaændringer eller at de kommer til at give reelle problemer.