KlimaTV – Konsekvenser (blandet)
Can nature itself save us from the effects of climate change?
28:26 | Extreme weather is on the rise worldwide: heavy and severe rains, flash floods and landslides have also occurred in Germany. One study warns that seven times as many people will be threatened by flooding in the next 25 years.
Can Seagrasses Weather Ocean Warming?
40:11 | Dr. Barnabas Daru discusses the vital importance of seagrasses in maintaining the health of the oceans.
Why has the Amazon flipped from carbon sink to carbon source?
13:45 | Human activity hasn’t just lowered the amount of CO2 the Amazon region can store, it’s also kicked off numerous other feedback loops that are now tipping out of control.
This is just how unfair climate change is
10:10 | We’re all living through the climate crisis. But we’re not all in it together. So what exactly does climate change have to do with social injustice? And how can we fix it?
Alaskan Native Elders Tell Their Climate Change Story 26. april 2021
5:46 | Indigenous hunter and fisherman Jerry Ivanoff ventures from his home in Unalakleet, Alaska, to Nome to meet elders from other villages. In a major government report, they document radical changes in climate.
Relocate or Rebuild? Indigenous Alaskans Forced to Choose
6:56 | Sea ice long protected coastal villages like Unalakleet, Alaska from devastating storms. But as it vanishes some residents there are relocating to the hills, including “Eskimo Ninja” Nick Hanson, who lost a training course he built with driftwood due to flooding.
Climate change : The daily consequences we’re choosing to ignore
13:56 | The consequences of climate change are already happening all over the world every day.
Disappearing Ice Is Threatening Native Alaskans’ Way of Life
7:37 | In the After the Ice series, elders from villages in the Bering Sea region of Alaska share with Terra their observations of their melting world, how they’re adapting, and their vision for an uncertain future.
The people who caused the climate crisis aren’t the ones who will solve it
12:42 | Angela Mahecha Adrar explains why racial and economic justice must be at the center of climate action, and takes us to the frontline communities that are leading the world to clean, innovative and just climate solutions.
Wet Bulb Temperature. Life or death?
10:25 | Wet bulb temperature sounds almost comical, but the implications of it’s extremes could not be more serious.
Oceans, Carbon and Heat. Have we wrecked another equilibrium?
12:04 | Our oceans have been absorbing carbon dioxide and heat energy from our warming atmosphere for decades. But we’re reaching a point where even those vast bodies of water are struggling to cope. So what next?
Climate change in Romania
25:54 | Sand is overrunning Oltenia, a historical region in southern Romania. It’s getting hotter and drier, with sandstorms now reaching all the way to Bucharest. As they try to prevent the worst, environmentalists are turning to reforestation.
How Climate Change Will Destroy UNESCO World Heritage Sites
4:27 | The climate crisis isn’t just threatening our future, it’s erasing our history. These 6 treasured landmarks of human civilization could be lost forever, and it’s already starting to happen.
Four Climate Scientists ask “Should We Have Kids?”
9:42 | Four climate scientists who have been living in Australia discuss their concerns for the future quite candidly.
Why scientists are so worried about this glacier
4:58 | The Thwaites Glacier, in West Antarctica, has retreated more than 14 kilometers in the last two decades as warm ocean water undermines it. It’s why scientists are racing to find out how close it is to total collapse.
Climate change in the desert
28:16 | Climate change is leaving its mark on Morocco’s oases, too. Sandstorms are becoming more and more frequent, groundwater levels are sinking and palm trees are shrivelling up and dying. An age-old way of life is in danger.
Is the Gulf Stream collapsing?
13:32 | The Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation exert a huge influence on heat and energy distribution around our planet.
New Normal? Climate Change and the Australian Bushfires
2:18 | Australia’s devastating bushfires exemplify the growing number of climate-related natural disasters taking place around the world.
How ‘climate apartheid’ divides Delhi: ‘I had no idea hot summers could kill’
9:35 | The UN is warning of a ‘climate apartheid’ between those who can afford to keep themselves cool and those who must live, work, suffer – and sometimes die – in the heat.
The Effects of Climate Change on New England Forests
39:31 | In New England, rising temperatures will lead to a smaller winter snowpack and increased frequency of soil freeze/thaw cycles, which may damage trees and decrease the ability of our forests to sequester carbon.
The cause of Australia’s bushfires – what the SCIENCE says
36:03 | Arson? Lack of hazard reduction? Nothing new? This video looks at what fire chiefs and scientists say is the REAL cause of the 2019-2020 fires in Australia, in response to amateur theories proposed by media commentators and bloggers.
What’s really driving the bush fires down under?
14:48 | Bush fires have been a natural part of the Australian ecosystem for at least 400,000 years, but whenever human beings get involved we see a spike in the data record.
Climate Refugees: Climate-Fueled Drought, Sea Level Rise, Storms & Fires Displace Millions Worldwide
10:53 | We speak with Hossein Ayazi, co-author of a new study that finds the climate crisis is already leading to a massive increase in the number of refugees being displaced around the world.
Climate Change Fuels Hellfire in the City of Angels
10:58 | Warm, dry climate change conditions have made housing in LA’s “Wildland-Urban Interface” dangerous.
Varmere, Vådere og Vildere. Fedt?
18:31 | Klimaforsker Sebastian Mernild og klimakunstner Jens Galschiøt forklarer konsekvenserne af det omtalte ”tipping point”. Også: lokalt bidrag til de internationale klimastrejker.
This goofy bird vs. the fossil fuel industry
6:30 | The sage grouse (salviehøne) looks funny. It’s also really important.
Is a mini ice age coming?
12:43 | New research from Rice University has revealed a surprising link between extreme cold events and global warming.
We’re melting the Arctic and reviving deadly germs
3:25 | As plants and animals in the Arctic die, some of them become preserved in this permafrost. But as human activity releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the permafrost is starting to thaw and shrink.
California Wildfires & Climate Change
4:49 | The Kincade and Getty fires are the latest in a long pattern of burning in California. But is climate change the culprit? And what can the fires teach us about how we’ll cope with a warming world?
An Ocean of Change: How Climate Change is Upending our View
2:07:48 | The CSIS Stephenson Ocean Security Project invites you to a forum on the relationship between climate stress and maritime security.
IPCC : Accelerating Ice Melt and Rapidly Warming Oceans
17:04 | The IPCC have just released the third of three special reports on the perilous state of our our climate. We take a brief look at some of their headline findings and recommendations.
Ice, Oceans & Climate Change: The new IPCC report
5:48 | Global warming is melting ice and raising seas, but our impacts on the watery world is far more complex than sea level rise.
Climate change: Europe’s melting glaciers
42:26 | Every year, climate change is destroying two of the currently 70 square kilometers of glaciers left in the Alps.
Can Land cause Climate Change? (new IPCC report)
4:59 | A brand new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows just how much global warming affects our use of land, and how land use affects the planet.
Climate Conflict? | Bigger Than Five
26:19 | Global emissions are on the rise, prompting the United Nations to warn about what it calls the risks of ‘climate apartheid’, where the wealthy pay to escape the devastating consequences of climate change, leaving the poor to suffer.
What if you thought climate change was your fault?
12:35 | Doyte lives in South Omo, Ethiopia, one of the most remote areas in the world and one of the hardest hit by climate change.
Climate Change is Devastating India With Heat Waves and Water Shortages
13:48 | India’s climate disasters are fueled by its governments’ resource mismanagement and fossil fuel consumption, says political economist Shouvik Chakraborty.
Climate Change and The Great Ocean Conveyor
13:31 | The Great Ocean Conveyor, The Thermohaline Circulation, The Gulf Stream, AMOC… all terms we hear quite a lot these days.
How does ocean acidification affect coral reefs?
1:25 | Climate change could pose a risk to coral by driving “ocean acidification” – a phenomenon that occurs as seawater absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere.
The Age of Stupid revisited: what’s changed on climate change?
11:04 | Are we still heading for the catastrophic future the movie depicted?
Climate Crisis : New 2019 UK Report
13:22 | Climate and Environmental Crisis. That’s the message of a new report published this week by the Institute of Public Policy Research in the UK.
Polar Vortex. What? Why? How?
9:07 | The strong indications are that, ironically, it’s the warming of the planet that’s causing this phenomenon to impact on populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere in more and more extreme ways.
Trump can’t believe his own eyes!
13:46 | The National Climate Assessment summarizes the impacts of climate change on the United States, now and in the future.
A conversation with Peter Wadhams 4:4: Global Sea Levels
11:44 | In the final part of our conversation with Peter Wadhams we talk about one of the most destructive outcomes of climate change – global sea level rises. We also look at the Camp Fire of California.
A conversation with Peter Wadhams 3:4: Oceans and Carbon Capture
10:22 | Professor Wadhams explains the thermohaline circulation, sometimes called The Ocean Conveyor Belt, and why it’s slow down means big trouble for many areas of the globe.
A conversation with Peter Wadhams 1:4 : Arctic Sea Ice Loss
11:05 | Peter Wadhams’ book, A Farewell to Ice, outlines in exquisite detail the changes in the arctic over the last four decades and the threats that these changes pose to our climate.
Coral Reefs Are Dying. Here’s How We Can Save Them
6:25 | Decades of environmental threats like warming waters and ocean acidification have pushed reefs to the brink. Can we use science to bring them back?
Indigenous Communities Are on the Front Lines of Climate Change
6:11 | As the world figures out how to live with a rapidly changing climate, traditional knowledge from indigenous cultures could help us understand just how things are transforming.
Klimakrisen fører mange problemer med sig: Oversvømmelser, vandmangel, skovbrande og ekstremvejr samt øget pres på mange dyre- og plantearter. For blot at nævne nogle af dem.