KlimaTV – Konsekvenser (blandet)

Relocate or Rebuild? Indigenous Alaskans Forced to Choose

Relocate or Rebuild? Indigenous Alaskans Forced to Choose

6:56 | Sea ice long protected coastal villages like Unalakleet, Alaska from devastating storms. But as it vanishes some residents there are relocating to the hills, including “Eskimo Ninja” Nick Hanson, who lost a training course he built with driftwood due to flooding.

Climate change in Romania

Climate change in Romania

25:54 | Sand is overrunning Oltenia, a historical region in southern Romania. It’s getting hotter and drier, with sandstorms now reaching all the way to Bucharest. As they try to prevent the worst, environmentalists are turning to reforestation.

Why scientists are so worried about this glacier

Why scientists are so worried about this glacier

4:58 | The Thwaites Glacier, in West Antarctica, has retreated more than 14 kilometers in the last two decades as warm ocean water undermines it. It’s why scientists are racing to find out how close it is to total collapse.

Climate change in the desert

Climate change in the desert

28:16 | Climate change is leaving its mark on Morocco’s oases, too. Sandstorms are becoming more and more frequent, groundwater levels are sinking and palm trees are shrivelling up and dying. An age-old way of life is in danger.

Varmere, Vådere og Vildere. Fedt?

Varmere, Vådere og Vildere. Fedt?

18:31 | Klimaforsker Sebastian Mernild og klimakunstner Jens Galschiøt forklarer konsekvenserne af det omtalte ”tipping point”. Også: lokalt bidrag til de internationale klimastrejker.

We’re melting the Arctic and reviving deadly germs

We’re melting the Arctic and reviving deadly germs

3:25 | As plants and animals in the Arctic die, some of them become preserved in this permafrost. But as human activity releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the permafrost is starting to thaw and shrink.

California Wildfires & Climate Change

California Wildfires & Climate Change

4:49 | The Kincade and Getty fires are the latest in a long pattern of burning in California. But is climate change the culprit? And what can the fires teach us about how we’ll cope with a warming world?

Climate Conflict? | Bigger Than Five

Climate Conflict? | Bigger Than Five

26:19 | Global emissions are on the rise, prompting the United Nations to warn about what it calls the risks of ‘climate apartheid’, where the wealthy pay to escape the devastating consequences of climate change, leaving the poor to suffer.

Polar Vortex. What? Why? How?

Polar Vortex. What? Why? How?

9:07 | The strong indications are that, ironically, it’s the warming of the planet that’s causing this phenomenon to impact on populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere in more and more extreme ways.

Klimakrisen fører mange problemer med sig: Oversvømmelser, vandmangel, skovbrande og ekstremvejr samt øget pres på mange dyre- og plantearter. For blot at nævne nogle af dem.