KlimaTV – Konsekvenser (blandet)
Ocean Acidification : What’s the threat?
11:39 | We take a look at the basic scientific theory behind this phenomenon and look ahead to what it could mean for our oceans and food chain.
Allergic to MEAT?! It’s Happening Thanks to Climate Change
3:10 | Thanks to climate change, disease carrying critters are expanding their ranges, and their seasons are getting longer — meaning they have more space and more time to take a bite out of you or me.
How To Survive a Climate Disaster
5:47 | Climate change is amplifying extreme weather events like hurricanes, heatwaves and other disasters. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of how best to prepare for this stuff?
How the Pika Adapts to Climate Change
4:52 | Climate change is affecting lots of living things, including the fluffy, cute ones. What can the adorable pika teach humans about adapting to global warming?
Will Snowshoe Hares Win a Race Between Evolution and Climate Change?
1:51 | Snowshoe hares face shrinking snowy habitat, but because some populations have a mix of genes for coloration, they may adapt to the changes in their environment.
Heart-Wrenching Video: Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land
1:22 | This starving polar bear was spotted by National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen on Somerset Island.
Climate 101: Glaciers
4:05 | Glaciers appear on almost every continent. However, they are rapidly melting due to the warming climate.
Potential abrupt cataclysmic change and the Atlantic
31:45 | Hvordan risikerer klimaændringerne at påvirke Golfstrømmen?
Climate 101: Deforestation
2:48 | Forests cover about 30% of the planet, but deforestation is clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale.
Climate Change and Devastating Heat Waves
4:05 | Stefan Rahmstorf talks about the devastating heat waves that will characterise the climate of 2100 if the global mean temperature becomes 4°C warmer than preindustrial temperatures.
How dead is the Great Barrier Reef?
8:10 | Coral bleaching is the biggest threat to the Great Barrier Reef. But it’s too early for obituaries.
First Mammal Extinction by Climate Change
0:47 | The Bramble Cay melomys, also called the mosaic-tailed rat, is likely the first mammal to go extinct because of human-induced climate change.
Road to Extinction
3:03 | Fiesta Warinwa from the African Wildlife Foundation explains how climate change is killing off some of Africa’s great animals.
The North Atlantic Cold Blob
5:44 | Professor Stefan Rahmstorf – A slowdown or even collapse of the Gulf Stream System as a result of global warming has long been a concern of climate scientists and has fuelled the imagination of Hollywood.
Den globale opvarmning – Konsekvenserne
7:42 | På trods af klimaforskernes advarsler fortsætter vi med at udlede drivhusgaser, og vi begynder nu for alvor at se konsekvenserne af vores handlinger.
Is the Gulf Stream System Slowing?
26:55 | A slowdown or even collapse of the Gulf Stream System as a result of global warming has long been a concern of climate scientists and has fuelled the imagination of Hollywood.
The toll of climate change, from US to the Marshall Islands: ‘No one’s an exception’
12:51 | If global temperatures rise more than 1.5C, the Marshall Islands are likely to disappear.
Rising Ocean Temperatures are “Cooking” Coral Reefs
2:52 | Oceans are acidifying at a rate faster than any time in the last 300 million years.
Firefighters Battle the Infernos of Climate Change
12:10 | Colorado firefighter Don Whittemore is now increasingly responding to record-breaking blazes as a result of higher temperatures caused by climate change.
James Hansen: Regional Climate Change & National Responsibilities
4:39 | Global warming over the past several decades is now large enough that regional climate change is emerging above the noise of natural variability.
Our Changing Climate
12:40 | A short documentary about climate change. We had the opportunity to witness the effects of our changing climate firsthand and to meet the people on the front lines of campaigning for action.
What does two degrees celsius global warming look like in Copenhagen?
1:55 | Even two degrees of global warming will ‘lock in’ long-term sea level rise around the world. In Copenhagen, Denmark, sea level could ultimately rise by 4.6 metres…
Photo Evidence: Glacier National Park Is Melting Away
3:13 | Glacier National Park (Montana) is losing its iconic glaciers to a changing climate.
Why Climate Change Is a Threat to Human Rights
21:42 | Climate change is unfair. Mary Robinson asks us to join the movement for worldwide climate justice.
Adaptation takes time
4:55 | Dana Nuccitelli examines whether species can adapt quickly enough to survive rapid climate change. Five mass extinctions in the Earth’s past indicate there are limits to how much species’ abilities.
Ocean acidification
11:01 | Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg explains the threat that increased CO2 poses to marine organisms as it dissolves into the ocean.
Heat waves
4:56 | Keah Schuenemann explains why heat waves are happening more often and how those heat waves are impacting our environment.
Overall impacts
4:46 | Dana Nuccitelli looks at a number of ways that climate change will impact society, and how those impacts worsen with more global warming.
Shrinking Glaciers
5:59 | Robert Way describes glaciers and the way they are changing globally.
Coastal Ecosystems and Climate Change
51:11 | Seacoast ecosystems are vitally important in preserving the health of the planet. Dr. Brian Helmuth discusses his work in international efforts to save coastal ecosystems as climate change advances.
Agriculture, Population Growth, and the Challenge of Climate Change
1:20:21 | Further population growth to the predicted 10 billion by 2050 cannot be sustained at the current level of productivity, a problem made worse by climate change.
Climate Change & Wildfires Explained in Less Than Three Minutes
2:38 | President Obama’s Science Advisor, Dr. John Holdren, explains how the growing number of intense wildfires are linked in part, to climate change.
Dan Laffoley – The Ocean – The Future We Want
50:24 | Science is showing that the ocean is under stress from multiple sources, including climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, and hypoxia as oxygen levels lower.
David Attenborough: The Truth About Climate Change (BBC – Part 2)
59:06 | Hurricane Katrina, the heat wave of 2003, polar bears swimming in search of ice and vast swarms of insects enveloping an African village. Are these isolated incidents or are they omens of a greater global change?
NASA Hangout: Wildfire and Climate Change
57:53 | NASA Hangout: Wildfire and Climate Change.
CHASING ICE – captures largest glacier calving ever filmed
4:41 | This rare footage has gone on record as the largest glacier calving event ever captured on film, by the 2016 Guiness Book of World Records.
Rob Dunbar: The threat of ocean acidification
18:45 | Rob Dunbar hunts for data on our climate from 12,000 years ago, finding clues inside ancient seabeds and corals. His work is vital in setting baselines for fixing our current climate — and in tracking the rise of deadly ocean acidification.
Plant Productivity in a Warming World
3:33 | As temperatures have continued to rise, the benefits to plants are now overwhelmed by longer and more frequent droughts.
Klimakrisen fører mange problemer med sig: Oversvømmelser, vandmangel, skovbrande og ekstremvejr samt øget pres på mange dyre- og plantearter. For blot at nævne nogle af dem.