KlimaTV – Landbrug
Solar panels above waterways and farms. WIN-WIN!
13:59 | Agrivoltaics and Solar Canals have been around for a while now, but they haven’t exactly ‘gone viral’ have they?
How climate change threatens coffee production
28:25 | Climate change could halve the amount of land suitable for coffee production by 2050. Many people are busy experimenting with more resilient coffee varieties and sustainable growing methods.
A Climate Solution? The Wisdom Passed Down Through Generations
7:00 | Learn how Louise Mabulo’s merging traditional knowledge with modern science to help farmers (and the world) adapt to a changing climate.
Biochar: How burning stubble could FIGHT air pollution
12:11 | Biochar is supposed to suck carbon out of the air, reduce air pollution and even generate energy. But does it live up to the hype?
Cow burps are a climate problem. Can seaweed help?
5:58 | Certain additives in cow feed can help reduce methane emissions, and recent work has drawn a lot of attention to one unexpected hero: seaweed.
Følg pengene: Færre køer eller mere teknologi?
Et bredt flertal i Folketinget går ind for en CO2-afgift, mens landbrugets egen organisation har lavet en plan for, hvordan det alene kan ske ved teknologiske løsninger.
Coffee: The future of coffee growing and production
25:55 | By changing the coffee growing methods, the small coffee farmers could actually help fight climate change, while increasing their income.
Genstart: Klimavalg på herrens mark
Danmarks kødkvæg, malkekøer og svin efterlader et kæmpestort kulsort aftryk på det danske klimaregnskab, og rød og blå blok er slet ikke enige om, hvad man skal gøre ved det.
Eating Locally Sourced Food Will Not Save The Planet
6:09 | In this video, we discuss the root causes of agricultural emissions, which are most prominent in meat and dairy.
A climate solution you might not think of
11:36 | Research shows that the unwanted by-product of the mining industry, rock dust, could be a transformational supplement to agricultural soils all over the world.
What Seaweed and Cow Burps Have to Do with Climate Change
9:09 | Animal scientist Ermias Kebreab talks through an ingenious solution to reduce methane-rich cow burps by feeding cattle something growing below the surface of the ocean: seaweed.
Artificial starch from CO2. Ground breaking new tech could reduce land and water use by 90%
11:31 | A Chinese research group has perfected a system to manufacture synthetic starch, potentially saving huge swathes of land and water use.
Det klimavenlige landbrug
6:30 | NOAHs klimahandlingsplaner tager udgangspunkt i IPCC’s drivhusgasbudget og ikke, som regeringens klimalov, et mål om en bestemt nedskæring af CO2-udledningerne i et bestemt år: 70 procent i 2030.
Climate Change Could Affect Global Agriculture Within 10 Years
2:04 | Average global crop yields for maize, or corn, may see a decrease of 24% by late century, with the declines becoming apparent by 2030, with high greenhouse gas emissions.
Farming That Reverses Climate Change
18:06 | Seat At The Table, Episode 2: The way we farm food is contributing to climate change so I’m looking at innovative ways to grow it instead.
Permaculture: Producing food without destroying the planet
12:19 | Agriculture accounts for 17 percent of worldwide CO2 emissions. But what if there were a way to produce it without harming the planet?
Danish Crowns greenwashing forklaret
3:59 | Danish Crown forsøger at narre os alle til at tro, at deres kød er en del af klimaløsningen.
Gris på gaflen eller et landbrug i klima balance?
12:58 | Skal landbruget som andre dele af samfundet bidrage til at Danmark kan leve op til den klimalov, der siger at vi skal reducere udslippet af CO2 og andre drivhusgasser med 70% inden 2030?
Rethinking Climate Change. The path to a 90% emissions reduction by 2035.
18:55 | The climate emergency requires climate solutions. And fast! A new analysis suggests that 90% of the job could be achieved by just a handful of disruptive technologies that are very real indeed.
Agroforestry: A solution to farming’s biggest problems?
10:26 | Agriculture takes a huge toll on the earth’s environment by producing massive CO2 emissions and taking up a lot of land. But there is a way to make it more sustainable: Agroforestry.
Climate impact of the world’s top meat and dairy producers
14:46 | Three study papers have been published that look at different activities of industrial meat and dairy producers, with some fascinating conclusions and proposals.
Agrivoltaics. An economic lifeline for American farmers?
14:28 | Agrophotovoltaics, agrivoltaics, or APV. Just like the name suggests, it’s a way of combining photovoltaic solar panels with agriculture.
Does Vertical Farming actually work?
11:49 | This video looks at the problem with vertical farming, the benefits of vertical farming, as well as whether vertical farming is actually a viable solution to solving hunger and combatting climate change.
Vertical Farming: Growing fast!
12:46 | Vertical Farming has been in and out of the news for a decade now.
Regenerative Agriculture – The fastest way to climate safety?
13:54 | A growing number of ecologists and land managers are turning to regenerative agriculture as the fastest way to draw CO2 back out of the atmosphere.
Climate change is becoming a problem you can taste
12:16 | Amanda Little introduces us to the farmers, entrepreneurs and engineers who are radically rethinking what we grow and how we eat.
How climate change could make our food less nutritious
11:00 | In a talk about global food security, epidemiologist Kristie Ebi explores the potentially massive health consequences of the growing nutrition crisis.
A Climate of Concern: What Climate Change Means for Food Security and Political Stability in Africa
1:26:00 | As climate change reshapes the agricultural landscape across Africa, there is concern that higher food prices and falling yields will lead to widespread urban unrest and catalyze participation in armed extremist movements.
Regenerative Agriculture – Part 2
11:23 | Regenerative Agriculture has been around for a very long time. The trouble is it’s just not the way most modern farming techniques are taught or practiced.
Regenerative Agriculture – Part 1
15:45 | Some people think that all we need to do is take some lessons from the way nature has always used it’s resources to regulate heat across our blue planet.
Can Land cause Climate Change? (new IPCC report)
4:59 | A brand new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows just how much global warming affects our use of land, and how land use affects the planet.
George Monbiot – Connecting the dots
1:57:52 | George Monbiot talks with Natalie Fee about XR, Climate emergency, community, education, youth uprising, mental health, building community, ecology, rewilding, planting trees, carbon off setting, capitalism and lots more!
Climate Change : How Land Use is accelerating the crisis
12:31 | Global Warming and Climate Change have two well known culprits : Energy and Transport. But there are two more co-conspirators contributing catastrophically to the crisis. Those partners are Land Use and Intensive Livestock Farming.
How Farms and Forests Can Coexist
6:04 | Most of the deforestation in the world today happens because people want to put farms where forests are. So, figuring out how to farm with trees instead of just chopping them down could help us fight climate change.
How Climate Change will Reduce Crop Yields and Spike Food Prices
9:27 | A new study shows how climate change will impact global food security. We speak Michelle Tigchelaar, one of the report’s authors.
Klima hva’så? – Landbruget skal tage sig sammen!
15:03 | I et EU land som Danmark, der har en intensiv landbrugsproduktion anslår man at landbruget står for 16% af den samlede udledning af drivhusgasser.
How Restorative Development Can Address Climate Change
50:44 | Restorative development addresses some of the gravest of climate risks, such as increased droughts, floods and atmospheric pollution.
Agricultural impacts
2:56 | How could increased CO2 affect our crops? Although CO2 is important to plants, changes in other conditions such as water, nutrients, and pests are likely to mean that more CO2 will not mean better crops.
Agriculture, Population Growth, and the Challenge of Climate Change
1:20:21 | Further population growth to the predicted 10 billion by 2050 cannot be sustained at the current level of productivity, a problem made worse by climate change.
Ask a Climate Scientist: Food Production
1:54 | Will climate change drastically reduce our food production, or will it change what we produce?
Nordisk Permakultur Festival
Meat The Truth
1:12:19 | En slags efterfølger til Al Gore’s megahitter ”An Inconvenient Truth” om det han ikke nævner et ord om – kødproduktion, som står for 18 % af verdens drivhusgasudslip, det er mere end hele verdens transportsektor!
Fremtidens landbrug
1:40 | “Hvordan tror du landbruget ser ud i 2030”? Jens Peter Hansen fra Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning besvarer.
Klima på landbrugsmessen Agromek
10:00 | Se hvordan landbruget kan blive klimavenligt.
Permakultur fra ler til muld
23:34 | Et besøg hos en af Danmarks første permakulturmarker, Gulereer i Reerslev, som er blevet skabt af en gruppe Vesterbroere.
Økolandsby i Torup
Science for a Hungry World: Part 6
5:12 | We ask NASA researchers: how will climate change impact agriculture?
Den Selvforsynende Landsby
27:00 | Reportage fra den Selvforsynende Landsby på Sydfyn.
Landbruget bidrager med en væsentlig udledning af drivhusgasser i form af især metan. Men landbruget mærker også selv klimaproblemerne – og en omstilling af den traditionelle landbrugsproduktion er en nødvendig del af løsningen.