KlimaTV – politik
The Intersection of War and Climate Change
11:26 | Conflict is the biggest barrier to tackling climate change, says youth advocate Victor Ochen.
Electric vehicle import tariffs are a really dumb idea!
14:16 | Electric Vehicles are coming our way from China like a tsunami over the horizon. But both the European Commission and the US Government believe they can keep back the tide simply by applying very high tariffs on those imported cars.
Why Isn’t the Climate Movement Voting?
11:35 | Millions of people say they care deeply about climate change … yet they’re not showing up at elections to turn their concern into political power.
The Missing Piece of the Clean Energy Transition
10:00 | Highlighting grassroots women’s organizations leading the charge towards universal access, Sheila Ngozi Oparaocha makes a powerful call to prioritize gender equality in energy policies.
Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate
12:43 | If you’re looking for a climate success story, you’ll find it, of course, in Scandinavia. Sweden has cut 80% of its net emissions since 1990 – while growing its economy.
Europe’s Mining Renaissance, a Catalyst for Climate Neutrality
46:02 | For this documentary, the film’s presenter, Peter Tom Jones, travelled to the far North of Sweden and Southern Finland.
Skal klimatiltag gå endnu hurtigere i Odense?
10:45 | Ja, siger klimaaktivist, Morten Lisberg, som mener, at Odense kommune halter bagefter på den handleplan, der skal gøre Odense til en klimaneutral kommune i senest 2030.
Europe is cooking at double speed! Are Europeans ready?
12:34 | The European Environment Agency has just published it’s first ever Climate Risk Assessment, which finds that EU policies are nothing like robust enough to cope with what’s coming our way.
How Sci-Fi Informs Our Climate Future — and What to Do Next
10:22 | Political economist Zainab Usman thinks present-day power struggles may seriously hinder the world’s ability to fight climate change, with similarly disastrous results.
Hvordan går det egentlig med Klimaloven?
11:04 | Det er i år 5 år siden et stort folketingsflertal indgik en politisk aftale om hvad de selv kaldte ”Verdens mest Ambitiøse Klimalov”. Men hvordan går det så med at opfylde det ambitiøse mål ca. halvvejs mod 2030.
Can the US and China Take On Climate Change Together?
13:14 | Climate change doesn’t care about ideological divides, says policy analyst and China expert Changhua Wu. Here’s what she says the US can learn from the progress China has made on the clean energy revolution.
Klimafolkemøde før sidste udkald
30:00 | Klimafolkemødet i Middelfart der startede i et par telte og regnvejr tilbage i 2020, satte i år en slags rekord med 34.000 besøgende til 400 debatter og events.
Supertanker: Ud over afgrunden på første klasse?
Jens-André Herbener: Den er helt gal, venner! Hvis ikke vi gør noget nu, ryger menneskeheden ud over afgrundens kant og ned i klimaets totale sammenbrud.
What the Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know
25:44 | In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time.
How to Be a Leader for Climate Justice
13:21 | Climate justice is taking center stage — geopolitically, socially and morally.
Sange om merværdi: Klimakamp, klassekamp og fossil kapital
Hvordan får vi arbejderklassen med i klimakampen? Er vækst en del af løsningen på klimakrisen eller en del af problemet? Og hvordan fratager vi den fossile klasse deres magt over økonomien?
The melting ice of the Arctic (2/2)
42:25 | Soon the Arctic will be ice-free in summer. While many are concerned about the consequences for the global climate, countries like Russia and the US, as well as China and Canada see an ice-free Arctic as an opportunity.
Who will pay for climate damages – and HOW?
12:37 | The people and industries of the world’s richest countries have done the most to heat the planet. Meanwhile, the poorest can’t afford to pay for the consequences of other people’s pollution.
Klimarådets rapport om Danmarks klimamål
8:23 | I 2019 lykkedes det den danske klimabevægelse at få politikerne til at beslutte, at Danmarks klimamål skulle hæves. Dengang var det en sejr, men er målene høje nok i dag?
A New Social Contract for Global Climate Justice
10:40 | Huma Yusuf shares a vision for global climate diplomacy where the countries responsible for pollution pay reparations for the damage they’ve caused, while developing countries bring forward a clean, green future.
Ozone Layer success versus Global Warming FAILURE! Why the difference?
13:04 | 35 years ago scientists discovered we were badly damaging the ozone layer, so a major global initiative was created to repair it. At the same time scientists also discovered that greenhouse gas emissions were causing dangerous levels of warming in our atmosphere…
Klima Folkemøde i Krisetid
19:53 | I Middelfart talte vi bl.a. med klimaminister Dan Jørgensen, Sebastian Mernild fra FN’s klimapanel og Connie Hedegaard fra CONCITO. Men også Enhedslistens Søren Egge, Sophie Dideriksen fra projekt Naboskab og en repræsentant fra Extinction Rebellion.
How the Amazon has started to heat the planet
5:56 | The Amazon rainforest absorbs huge amount of CO2 and helps to cool the world, but recent studies have shown the rainforest is approaching a tipping point.
A New World order
50:19 | It is more urgent than ever for Europe to become self-sufficient in energy. This is accompanied by major power shifts, both within and outside the EU.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 205: Safe Passage
50:08 | Bradley Whitford examines the grass-roots efforts to build consensus on Capitol Hill that global warming is a critical issue. Ty Burrell takes to the open road to investigate the future of an American way of life: the automobile.
How Wind Energy Could Power Earth … 18 Times Over
10:57 | Denmark’s climate minister Dan Jørgensen lays out his plan to end the country’s oil industry by 2050 and transition to a fossil-free future powered by wind energy.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 108: A Dangerous Future
57:57 | In episode eight, Matt Damon takes viewers on an investigation into the impact of extreme heat on human health and mortality. Michael C. Hall journeys to the low-lying deltaic country of Bangladesh. Thomas Friedman concludes his investigation of three Middle Eastern nations.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 105: True Colors
58:06 | In episode five, Olivia Munn profiles the nation’s most climate-conscious governor — Jay Inslee of Washington State. Meanwhile, Mark Bittman probes New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s evasion of the topic of man-made climate change.
Klimaeksperter gæster Galleri Galschiøt
4:41 | Kan DK og EU leve op til sine egne klimamål i tide? Netop det spørgsmål – og mange flere, skal Connie Hedegaard, John Nordbo og Morten Lisberg debattere.
Kører EU Grønt tidsnok?
22:59 | Vi har talt med 3 danske EU-parlamentsmedlemmer om et udspil der skal finde opbakning i et EU-samarbejde, hvor der er langt imellem de klimapolitiske ambitioner i f.eks. Polen og Danmark.
Hongqiao Liu: Can China achieve its ambitious climate pledges?
9:21 | In 2020, China’s President Xi Jinping pledged that China would both peak its emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.
Climate change in review: 2021
14:07 | I made some 2021 climate change predictions in a video this January, so let’s see how I did!
Hvert tons CO2 tæller. Klimaet kalder
7:42 | Klimamarch i Odense, hvor arrangørerne også havde fokus på den lokale kommunale plan om at Odense Kommune skal være klimaneutral i 2030.
The EU climate deal
28:25 | The European Union aims to reduce CO2 emissions and become carbon neutral by 2050, using the Green Deal as its road map. The German government has already agreed to more ambitious climate targets.
Klima Neutral By. God ide, bare det ikke gør ondt.
14:17 | Odense Kommune skal være klima neutral i 2030 og har bedt en gruppe eksperter med Sebastian Mernild i spidsen om anbefalinger. Vi har også været med til klimavalgmøde arrangeret af Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse i Odense.
Klima Køreplan. Mange ord. Få reduktioner.
13:20 | Nu skal der sættes turbo på Klimaloven.
Supertanker: Skal autoritære stater redde kloden?
Noget tyder på, at vi som enkeltindivider stadig ikke er parate til at gøre de ofre, som er nødvendige for at bremse den nedadgående spiral. Men er det overhovedet enkeltindividers ansvar?
Europe: The world’s first carbon-neutral continent?
42:24 | The new president of the European Council, Charles Michel, wants the twenty-seven member states to commit to making Europe the planet’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. But Poland, 80% dependent on coal, is blocking the measure.
Climate change is unfair! Here’s why.
9:15 | Episode four of The Breakdown looks at the intersection between racism and climate change, highlighting how climate change is first and foremost a social justice issue.
Global decarbonisation : Lies, damn lies, and statistics?
13:40 | Decarbonisation is the only way out of our climate emergency. But just about every mainstream agency and organisation around the world is advising policymakers not to move too quickly away from fossil fuels for fear of disrupting economies and societies.
China Carbon Neutral by 2060? Will their coal addiction kill the plan?
15:50 | China is installing more renewable energy than any other country in the world, but they also added the equivalent of one large coal power plant to their electricity grid every single week in 2020.
This is just how unfair climate change is
10:10 | We’re all living through the climate crisis. But we’re not all in it together. So what exactly does climate change have to do with social injustice? And how can we fix it?
AOC reads the Green New Deal *but make it lo-fi*
16:37 | Because who said climate policy can’t be chill.
Climate and Ecological Emergency. Can you really make a difference?
15:21 | Climate and ecology are inextricably linked. This holistic approach forms the basis of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, recently tabled in the UK Parliament.
How Lawyers Fight Climate Change
13:19 | Can you just sue climate change out of existence?
The Insane Lies About The Texas Blackouts
9:52 | About windmills, coal, natural gas, and the disconnected power grid in Texas.
Small Great Nation: Har vi forstået klimaets alvor?
Vi har inviteret økonomiprofessor og tidligere formand for Klimarådet Peter Birch Sørensen i studiet til en snak om klimasituationen oven på corona og Trump.
Inden Klimaet går amok. DK og EU i en globaliseret Verden
28:47 | Vi har klippet en debat dokumentar, hvor vi spørger om EU vil være i stand til at genopfinde sin rolle som Verdens klimaførerhund inden klimaforandringerne kommer ud af kontrol.
Der er stor forskel på, hvor alvorligt klimakrisen betragtes af politikere og partier i forskellige lande.