Debunking: “Climate Scientists LIE For Grant Money!”
31:46 | Deniers of manmade global warming claim that we can’t trust climatologists because they lie for grant money. This claim is ridiculous for many reasons.
31:46 | Deniers of manmade global warming claim that we can’t trust climatologists because they lie for grant money. This claim is ridiculous for many reasons.
26:05 | Climate change deniers make many false claims about carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These include the idea that CO2 has a limited or negligible impact on global warming — or even has the net effect of cooling our planet.
27:34 | Climate-change deniers are mistaken when they claim that factors other than our greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming, whether they point to Milankovitch cycles, the Sun or volcanic eruptions.
30:13 | Climate change deniers are wrong when they claim that the predictions made by climate models are unreliable.
35:46 | Global warming deniers claim that there was an 18-year pause in global warming which started in 1998. This apparent hiatus was actually the product of biases in the data.
1:03:01 | Climate-change deniers argue that there actually is not a 97% manmade global-warming consensus among scientists and climatologists.
37:05 | Although there are a few potential benefits from climate change, these are far outweighed by the many harms that will result.
30:21 | In my final piece on the ClimateGate e-mails, I examine the claims that data and e-mails were deleted by the CRU, and I also take a look at FOIA requests.
32:15 | The CRU scientists did NOT suppress research not supportive of global warming, nor did they subvert the peer review process.
30:37 | Contrary to what climate change deniers claim, the ClimateGate e-mails actually do NOT discuss the destruction or hiding of data.
18:54 | Contrary to what climate-change deniers will tell you, record-setting cold or snowy days do NOT disprove global warming.