How Sci-Fi Informs Our Climate Future — and What to Do Next
10:22 | Political economist Zainab Usman thinks present-day power struggles may seriously hinder the world’s ability to fight climate change, with similarly disastrous results.
10:22 | Political economist Zainab Usman thinks present-day power struggles may seriously hinder the world’s ability to fight climate change, with similarly disastrous results.
To amerikanske filosoffer, Donna Haraway og Jane Bennett, taler om at gå efter mere forståelse i samspillet mellem menneske og natur. Det fremgår bl.a. af en ny bog om “Magt i den antropocæne tidsalder”.
En ny, dansk bog opregner, hvor de nuværende stater fejler og kommer med bud på, hvilke mulige veje vi kan gå. Som bl.a. den engelske filosof Kate Raworth påpeger; så vi ikke bliver hængende i en uønsket sump i hullet i doughnutten og heller ikke falder ud over doughnuttens yderkant/klodens begrænsninger.
10:56 | Climate change can be overwhelming. It is the biggest challenge currently facing the world. So here are five books that you can read to understand it better.
Der er masser af ting, vi som enkeltindivider kan gøre, for at redde det skrantende globale klima. Det nytter ikke at lægge hele ansvaret over på store virksomheder og regeringer.
27:02 | Environmentalist Tom Rand thinks that we need to harness markets to avert climate catastrophe. And further, he believes a radical change is needed in how markets operate.
38:26 | Debat om den grønne omstilling, bæredygtighed, forholdet mellem klimakrisen og biodiversitetskrisen og mellem politiske og individuelle initiativer. Med Selma De Montgomery Nørgård, Birgitte Baadegaard og Mickey Gjerris.
1:21:30 | Author and journalist Naomi Klein is joined by Juliet B. Schor, Boston College professor, to talk about her latest book.
12:37 | Climate Fiction comes in all sorts of forms, there’s your Mad Maxes, your Games of Thrones, your Parables of the Sowers, and your WALL-Es.
Er det pisk eller gulerod, angst eller lyst, der skal drive værket? Måden vi fortæller om klodens klimaudfordringer er afgørende for, om vi forstår, hvad der er på spil, og om vi kan finde ud af at handle.
Supertanker diskuterer klimaets tilstand, hvad der skal til for at bremse en skidt udvikling, og hvordan filosofien kan hjælpe os med at forstå klimaspørgsmålene og vores rolle i dem. Bl.a. med udgangspunkt i den ny bog, “Upraktisk håndbog i lysegrønt håb”.
43:47 | Udgangspunktet er Naomi Kleins bog “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal”.
7:04 | Frederic Hanusch has written “Democracy and Climate Change” (2017).
7:16 | About Parentis book “Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence” (2011).
11:05 | Peter Wadhams’ book, A Farewell to Ice, outlines in exquisite detail the changes in the arctic over the last four decades and the threats that these changes pose to our climate.
34:07 | In this presentation Dr. Prentiss explains the vital need to switch to renewable energy and she describes here – and in her book Energy Revolution – just how that change can be implemented.
18:21 | Kevin Taft (Alberta Liberal Party) talks about his new book, “Oil’s Deep State: How the Petroleum Industry Undermines Democracy and Stops Action on Global Warming.”
44:04 | Philip Warburg is the author of two respected books on renewable energy, Harvest the Wind: America’s Journey to Jobs, Energy Independence, and Climate Stability and Harness the Sun: America’s Quest for a Solar-Powered Future.
8:12 | Based on the book by Naomi Oreskes and Eric Conway, the film follows the development of sophisticated methods for distorting science.
33:15 | Drawing on Mike Berners-Lee and Duncan Clark’s book, The Burning Question, Mike explores the macro dynamics of the energy system.
1:34:56 | Naomi Klein challenges the myths that cloud the climate debate, refutes the argument for dependence on fossil fuels and aims to show how our current economic model is waging and winning a war on earth.