20. september 2023 | Industri, Klimakrisen
28:25 | Industry is responsible for almost half of the world’s CO2 emissions. And heavy industry represents the lion’s share of those. But heavy industry is under pressure to make the switch to renewables in record time.
21. april 2023 | Byggeri, Industri
8:11 | Concrete emits a ton of carbon. Here’s how we get it to net-zero.
3. oktober 2022 | Byggeri, Industri
12:48 | Concrete accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions and it’s usage is set to skyrocket in the coming decades as the world’s population grows and moves towards more urban environments.
5. marts 2022 | Byggeri, Episode, Industri
Den er Danmarks største CO2-udleder, men også Mette Frederiksens hjertebarn. Cementfabrikken Aalborg Portland udgør et politisk dilemma for statsministeren.
29. januar 2022 | Byggeri, Industri
8:38 | Concrete is simple, cheap, strong and lasts long. But the wonder material that’s all around us is responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions — and it’s not easy to change that.
16. oktober 2021 | Industri, Klima i hverdagen
7:33 | Some companies are trying to make a carbon difference by manufacturing products made out of pollution. But is it really helping?
19. oktober 2020 | CO2-lagring
16:53 | Carbontech is a developing industry dedicated to drawing carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere and locking it up in products, buildings and infrastructure.