Climate Scientist reacts to King Charles III Speeches
18:25 | King Charles III has been outspoken on environmental issues like global warming for years. So how do the words in his speeches compare to what we know about the climate crisis?
18:25 | King Charles III has been outspoken on environmental issues like global warming for years. So how do the words in his speeches compare to what we know about the climate crisis?
9:52 | 100.000 Klimademonstranter i Københavns gader! En reportage fra 12. december 2009.
27:14 | Under COP15 blev der afholdt et folkemøde i Valby hallen med ALBA-landene Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua etc.
3:39 | This is the behind the scenes of the infamous Copenhagen “Art Space”, where many of the visuals for the youth movement got made during COP15.
20:08 | Benjamin Bro-Jørgensen undersøger, hvad der gik galt ved det mislykkede klimatopmøde i København 2009.