Battery powered flights from Washington DC to LA. No longer a pipe dream?
12:08 | Has battery chemistry reached yet another previously impossible milestone?
12:08 | Has battery chemistry reached yet another previously impossible milestone?
11:33 | I flew in the first ever e-plane certified to take off to figure out whether we will all soon be flying electric.
Transport står for omkring 25% af udledningen af CO2 i Europa. I denne podcast forsøger Emil Njor og Rikke Lauritsen at blive klogere på, hvordan vi i fremtiden kan rejse mere bæredygtigt.
9:33 | The shortest flight in Europe takes less than a minute – and it’s getting increasingly hard to justify emissions from such trips as the planet heats up.
17:45 | This video is an overview of one – at least quasi- realistic pathway to slashing transport emissions.
Debatten om Theresa Scavenius’ klimaskadelige flyrejser har startet en heftig debat om hykleri, individuelt ansvar og skam. Men hvad er der egentlig galt i at føle klimaskam?
9:17 | Piloting us into a future of green aviation, innovator Ryah Whalen shares three ways to lower the industry’s carbon footprint through smarter designs, eco-friendly fuel and new technology.
12:47 | Most industry commentators predicted it would be 2050 before we saw a commercial hydrogen powered plane in service. But industry giant, Airbus, have just smashed that assumption…
8:48 | A plane ticket is the single most emission heavy thing we can buy. But aviation companies say that we could change that soon. Is that really realistic?
35:36 | Flyvning skal pålægges afgifter, men hvad er formålet egentlig med afgifter, hvor høje skal de være og har afgifter en social slagside?
12:06 | Liquid Hydrogen has proven a very useful energy storage solution in industrial applications for some time, but can it really ever be put to practical and economically viable use in the global aviation industry?
1:35:53 | Bevar Jordforbindelsen holder møde den 25. april 2019. Emnet er udvidelsen af Københavns Lufthavn.
3:53 | If your globe is overheating, a common culprit is planes! But what can you do to fix the problem? I explain how to hack your planet, and get global warming under control.
2:27 | …eller hvorfor Europæisk flytrafik aldrig kan være det klimavenlige alternativ til klimavenlige tog.
13:31 | “I bureaukratiets klemme” følger vi min komplekse vej efter overfarten over Atlanten gennem 4 lande til Cuba.
14:55 | 2. afsnit af fortællingen om rejsen fra Danmark til Cuba og tilbage uden fly. “Ahead over Atlanten” handler om rejsen med den danske båd Ahead.
14:59 | “Rejsens start” handler om overvejelser om transport, hvordan man kan få en unik oplevelse ved at hjælpe folk på fx deres landbrug og den første del af sejlturen på skibet Ahead.