Why climate strikes matter
12:07 | Via organizations like the Sunrise Movement, Zero Hour, Fridays for Future, and One Million of Us, youth protests across the world are crying out to world leaders to act strongly on climate change.
12:07 | Via organizations like the Sunrise Movement, Zero Hour, Fridays for Future, and One Million of Us, youth protests across the world are crying out to world leaders to act strongly on climate change.
3:15 | Over the past week millions of Europeans took to the streets for climate justice. We made history, and we drew the lines.
1:20 | In solidarity with the youth climate strike movement, 500 SDSU students, community, and faculty showed up to demand transformative climate action on our campus.
28:06 | As many as 4 million people around the world took to the streets Friday in the largest day of action focused on the climate crisis.
2:32 | With unprecedented press coverage and a global climate strike on the 20th of September, if you want to take action to stop global warming, the best time to raise your voice is now.
43:47 | Udgangspunktet er Naomi Kleins bog “On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal”.
45:14 | Interview med Greta Thunberg på Democracy Now!
2.29 | 30. august 2019 streiket elever ved Tingvoll barne- og ungdoms-skole i anledning av den 2. nasjonale skolestreike for fremtiden.
2:14 | Have questions about the global climate strike on September 20th? Youth climate strikers Daphne, Jamie, and Xiye answer questions from their teacher, grandma, and neighbor that cover all the info you need.
“Hvorfor uddanne sig til en fremtid, hvis der ingen fremtid er?”, spørger de unge demonstranter, som mener, at de voksne har svigtet klimadagsordenen og ladet stå til alt, alt for længe.
12:31 | Jan Ole Lindner encouraged other students to take part in a global “Fridays for Future” action day.
4:48 | Sådan stod der på et papskilt da nogle hundrede odenseanske skole– og gymnasieelever gennemførte en klimastrejke på Flakhaven en råkold formiddag i februar.
8:30 | Fredag var der indkaldt til klimastrejke foran rådhuset i Sønderborg. SønderborgNYT sendte direkte fra Rådhustorvet.