Why beef is the worst food for the climate
4:37 | Avoiding high-emission foods can have a bigger climate impact than any other consumption change.
4:37 | Avoiding high-emission foods can have a bigger climate impact than any other consumption change.
6:01 | If you can’t face being vegetarian or vegan, eating local meat is still much better for the environment – right?
30:15 | How will clean meat change our food industry? Is clean meat the future and if so, how will clean meat change our way of living or are we ignoring it to satisfy our hunger for meat?
11:26 | Lab Grown Meat. Cultured meat. Clean meat. Call it what you will. It’s arrived and it’ll be on a table near you this year.
4:59 | Beef production emits more greenhouse gases than basically anything else we eat, so let’s look at the scale and impact of our bovine pals – and importantly, what we can actually do to make beef less bad.
3:50 | Meat consumption is the leading cause of climate change. Animal agriculture accounts for roughly half of global emissions.
1:12:19 | En slags efterfølger til Al Gore’s megahitter ”An Inconvenient Truth” om det han ikke nævner et ord om – kødproduktion, som står for 18 % af verdens drivhusgasudslip, det er mere end hele verdens transportsektor!