23. marts 2023 | Forskning
5:02 | The connection between these major wildfires and the subsequent explosion of phytoplankton production is an example of the events NASA’s upcoming Plankton, Aerosols, Clouds, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission will help investigate.
2. november 2021 | Landbrug
2:04 | Average global crop yields for maize, or corn, may see a decrease of 24% by late century, with the declines becoming apparent by 2030, with high greenhouse gas emissions.
6. november 2020 | Havet stiger
2:45 | Combined, Greenland and Antarctica contain enough ice, that if it were to melt all at once, would raise sea levels by nearly 215 feet (65 meters).
6. november 2020 | Havet stiger
1:10 | With satellites, airborne missions, shipboard measurements, and supercomputers, NASA has been investigating sea level rise for decades.
6. november 2020 | Havet stiger
2:27 | Since 2015, sea level has risen on the U.S. West Coast by almost one centimeter per year. The global average is 3.3 millimeters.
6. november 2020 | Havet stiger
2:14 | The Mississippi River Delta is essentially drowning as sinking ground is combined with higher sea levels. NASA is studying this case with an airborne campaign designed to study how sediments are accumulating on the delta.
29. oktober 2016 | Arktis/Antarktis
2:35 | Arctic sea ice has not only been shrinking in surface area in recent years, it’s becoming younger and thinner as well.
17. september 2015 | Arktis/Antarktis
2:00 | How can Greenland’s ice sheets still be more than 10,000 feet thick, if carbon dioxide is warming the planet?
4. december 2013 | Klimakrisen
1:22 | How does climate change affect humans? That’s the question we asked Tom Wagner, Program Scientist for Cryospheric Research at NASA.
9. november 2013 | Ekstremvejr
2:04 | Is the frequency of extreme weather events a sign that global warming is gaining pace and exceeding predictions?
22. oktober 2013 | Forskning, Klimamyter
1:09 | There’s not really a pause in global warming.
1. oktober 2013 | Forskning, Klimakrisen
51:40 | This NASA Google+ Hangout on Mon., Sept. 30, at 12 p.m. EDT, caps a month-long campaign called Ask A Climate Scientist.
25. september 2013 | Forskning, Klimamyter
1:40 | Is there any merit to the studies that show that historical CO2 levels lag behind temperature, and not lead them?
19. september 2013 | Landbrug
1:54 | Will climate change drastically reduce our food production, or will it change what we produce?
5. september 2013 | Forskning
1:20 | Have a question that’s always confounded you about Earth’s climate?
10. juli 2013 | Konsekvenser
57:53 | NASA Hangout: Wildfire and Climate Change.
4. august 2012 | Forskning
6:00 | This animation shows the importance of Earth’s oceanic processes as one component of Earth’s interrelated systems.
20. juni 2012 | Forskning
4:26 | Watch Earth’s magnetic shield protect the planet from a pelting by the solar wind. See how the sun’s energy drives a remarkable planetary engine, the climate.
11. maj 2011 | Forskning
2:13 | Sea surface salinity has a massive influence on Earth’s climate. With Aquarius, scientists will have a new way to measure that influence in a consistent way.
23. februar 2011 | Forskning
3:19 | The Sun’s energy is one of the biggest forcings on Earth’s climate, and for years satellites have measured total solar irradiance.
20. august 2010 | Konsekvenser
3:33 | As temperatures have continued to rise, the benefits to plants are now overwhelmed by longer and more frequent droughts.
17. juni 2010 | Forskning
6:51 | Glory is a unique research satellite. It collects data on the properties of aerosols and black carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere and data on solar irradiance for Earth’s long-term climate record.
3. juni 2010 | Forskning
5:42 | The NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) is capable of running highly complex climate models.
14. marts 2010 | Forskning
5:15 | “Climate Change and The Global Ocean” is the first episode in the series “Tides of Change”, exploring amazing NASA ocean science.
26. februar 2010 | Forskning
4:53 | NASA has begun to facilitate the operation of new desktop sized supercomputers.
24. februar 2010 | Forskning
5:48 | The video explains what role fluctuations in the solar cycle, changes in snow and cloud cover, and rising levels of heat-trapping gases may play in contributing to climate change.
2. februar 2010 | Landbrug
5:12 | We ask NASA researchers: how will climate change impact agriculture?