31. december 2022 | Arktis/Antarktis, Politik, Politik - Verden
42:25 | Soon the Arctic will be ice-free in summer. While many are concerned about the consequences for the global climate, countries like Russia and the US, as well as China and Canada see an ice-free Arctic as an opportunity.
26. december 2022 | Arktis/Antarktis, Konsekvenser
42:25 | Soon the Arctic will be ice-free in summer. While many are concerned about the consequences for the global climate, countries like Russia and the US, as well as China and Canada see an ice-free Arctic as an opportunity.
9. november 2022 | Lokal handling
15:14 | Confronting climate change makes for better cities and a better quality of life, says Heidi Sørensen, director of the climate agency for the city of Oslo, Norway.
24. november 2020 | CO2-lagring
25:56 | Oil nation Norway plans to help fight climate change by capturing and storing Europe’s carbon emissions. But this is not without risks.
9. november 2019 | Aktivisme, Arktis/Antarktis, Fossil energi, Jura, Video på dansk
12:29 | Norske virksomheder vil lede efter olie i Arktis, selvom det strider mod lovgivningen, der fastslår at både nuværende og fremtidige generationer har ret til et sundt miljø og en beboelig planet.
31. august 2019 | Aktivisme
2.29 | 30. august 2019 streiket elever ved Tingvoll barne- og ungdoms-skole i anledning av den 2. nasjonale skolestreike for fremtiden.
10. december 2014 | Energisystemer
5:14 | Kort tysk dokumentar om, at Norske Stattkraft er villig til at udbygge pumped hydro storage, således at man kan øge udvekslingen af energi mellem Tyskland og Norge.
13. februar 2014 | Klimamodstand
36:23 | In her lecture, professor Kari Norgaard describes the disturbing emotions of guilt, helplessness and fear of the future that arose when people in a community in western Norway were confronted with the idea of climate change.