Clean Power Planet
My name is David Butler and this is the podcast for people that can’t wait to switch to renewable energy.
My name is David Butler and this is the podcast for people that can’t wait to switch to renewable energy.
Join Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of Yale University for a daily 90-second podcast about climate change, where we confront reality and share inspiring stories of hope.
Climate Conversations is the weekly climate change podcast from MIT Climate, an online community connecting questions to answers, research to solutions, and knowledge to action.
Drilled News brings together a handful of print and audio reporters who have been on this beat for years, and we make our reporting available to a broad mix of national outlets as well.
Suffice to say, climate change is a complicated topic. Complicated and scary. But this also means there are fascinating and important questions attached to it.
Straight talk about the world’s transition from fossil fuels to renewables with energy expert Chris Nelder.
Generation Green New Deal tells the story of this youth movement: who they are, what they’ve accomplished so far, and where they go from here.
Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse er sprængfyldt med energi. Kom med bag kulissen, bliv klogere på klimaet og bliv inspireret til hvordan du kan deltage aktivt.
GrowthBusters is a non-profit, public education project.
Lars Trier Mogensen undersøger, om markedet kan løse klodens problemer.
Earthlings, we’ve got work to do. How to Save a Planet is a podcast that asks the big questions: what do we need to do to solve the climate crisis, and how do we get it done?
Jeg hedder Lene Outzen Foghsgaard. Jeg er journalist og podcaster i “Det ender grønt”, og serien her er mit bidrag til en bedre, mere retfærdig og klimatilpasset verden.
En ugentlig klimapodcast med journalist og forfatter David Trads og lektor i klimaforandringer Peter Ditlevsen.
The Interchange is a weekly podcast on the global energy transformation, hosted by Stephen Lacey and Shayle Kann.
Join Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson as they tell stories about the powerful forces behind climate change — and the tools we have to fix it. This show is for the climate curious people who know climate change is a problem, but are trying to figure out how to tackle it.
Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus help over 20 million people live meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, and documentary.
Podcastens værter er Jakob Fritzbøger Christensen, Rasmus Lørup Arildsen og Hjalte Drejer Jørgensen, som sammen med en gæst sludrer om alt det, som hverken er så ligetil at forstå eller blive enige om, når det gælder jordens klima.
Join former Irish President Mary Robinson and comedian Maeve Higgins in this uplifting new podcast, celebrating amazing women doing remarkable things in pursuit of climate justice.
Anders Morgenthaler er alvorligt bekymret over, hvad det er for en verden, vi efterlader til vores børn. Nu tryktester han sammen med Dan Grønbech sine bæredygtige løsninger.
The place to discover more about emerging technology innovation in offshore renewables and the way that we will harness low carbon energy sources to meet our future energy needs.
Your hosts Ol and Dave are supposed to be experts in how to save the planet. But why’s everything got to be so confusing? Each week they try to get a little bit closer to enlightenment. They may fail.
From waste to wealth, and grids to growth, the show digs into the impact of consumption across all areas of life — it tracks the movements, discoveries and technologies making way for a sustainable future.
How can each of us help tackle climate change? Which businesses are bringing innovative solutions to reduce our impact on the planet? What political & social changes do we require for a true paradigm shift?