Feminist Economics Explained

Feminist Economics Explained

6:58 | Climate Economics, episode 7. Curious to what feminist economics brings? And how this can help with the problems occurring from climate change? Watch this video and find out!

Neoclassical Economics Explained

Neoclassical Economics Explained

Climate Economics, episode 6. Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making.

Post-Keynesian Economics Explained

Post-Keynesian Economics Explained

Climate Economics, episode 5. In this video the role of institutions, and demand driven fiscal and monetary policies in the fight against the climate crisis is unfolded.

Complexity Economics Explained

Complexity Economics Explained

7:13 | Climate Economics, episode 4. What are the key insights from complexity economics that allow for a better understanding of the climate crisis?

Behavioural Economics Explained

Behavioural Economics Explained

5:51 | Climate Economics, episode 3. Behavioural economists Pr. Chen Li and Pr. Joël van der Weele give you a glimpse of the answers Behavioural economics offers to tackle climate change.

Ecological Economics Explained

Ecological Economics Explained

Climate Economics, episode 2. Renowned ecological economists Julia Steinberger and Giorgos Kallis give an introduction to the research field of ecological economics.