New Climate Model Predicts Alarming Levels of Global Heating
9:34 | Dr. Neil Swart of the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling & Analysis says a new model predicts nearly 8°C of heating by 2100 in a high emissions scenario.
9:34 | Dr. Neil Swart of the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling & Analysis says a new model predicts nearly 8°C of heating by 2100 in a high emissions scenario.
10:58 | Warm, dry climate change conditions have made housing in LA’s “Wildland-Urban Interface” dangerous.
8:33 | A new UN report says that if all booked fossil fuel reserves are burned, it could lead to a cataclysmic rise of global temperature by 2100.
13:48 | India’s climate disasters are fueled by its governments’ resource mismanagement and fossil fuel consumption, says political economist Shouvik Chakraborty.
11:29 | One way in which climate change deniers are getting their way in the Trump administration is by subverting the application of scientific findings by ignoring long-term projections when setting policy.
12:39 | The climate change crisis is real: more powerful storms, droughts, floods, and rising sea levels. However, mainstream media continues to ignore the crisis.
18:11 | A new report from the world’s leading body on climate change says we could see catastrophic global warming by 2030.
11:23 | As the fossil fuel divestment movement grows around the world, a new study suggests its economic impact might be overstated.
16:24 | A World Bank report: Groundswell, warns of the worsening impact of climate change in three regions of the world.
9:27 | A new study shows how climate change will impact global food security. We speak Michelle Tigchelaar, one of the report’s authors.
9:30 | What Royal Dutch Shell knew about fossil fuel driving climate change and when they knew it.
19:44 | Oxford University climate scientist Richard Millar says right-wing climate deniers have misrepresented his research, and that the 1.5-degree Celsius warming limit is not yet a geophysical impossibility.
32:05 | A documentary special reveals the multi-million dollar campaign that led to a climate change denier being elected president.