The Explosion in Wind Power

af | 10. november 2020 | Vedvarende energi

​How the global Wind Energy production increased by 500 % in 10 years.

In this video I try to visualize the expansion of Wind power from almost 0 in 1997 to 5 % of the total global electricity production and 1 270 tWh in 2018. Every pink marker in the video represent 2 tWh of electricity produced. This is the first part of my series on the global electricity production. The wind power production of China and the United States how account for half of the global production followed by Germany, India, Brazil, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The increase in wind energy could contribute to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and reduce climate change, but it also has issues like land exploitation and storage of electricity in batteries for less windy days.

Small Circles Forward by Daniel Karlsson Lönnö 2020.