The Sun belongs to everyone

af | 25. december 2022 | Byggeri, Vedvarende energi

​The sun provides as much energy in one hour as the entire human race consumes in a year. So why don’t we harvest it? Artist Marjan van Aubel argues for a ‘solar democracy’. The moment solar technology is linked to aesthetics and design, a whole new perspective emerges.

Solar energy can be a great godsend for people in today’s energy crisis. In 2022, significantly more solar energy will be harvested in the Netherlands than in previous years. That seems nice, but a fanatical club of sun-believers wants to go much further.

The sun belongs to and is for everyone, so let’s produce solar lamps, make clothes and windows that harvest sun, cover buildings and noise barriers with solar foil and start a real ‘solar movement.’

Together with mostly female kindred spirits, solar designer Marjan van Aubel (b. 1985) is presenting a first Solar Biennial, a solar manifesto and an installation at Dutch Design Week.

Originally aired on October 22, 2022
Directed by Kees Brouwer
Research: William de Bruijn and Sharine Rijsenburg
Production: Marie Schutgens
Final editing: Doke Romeijn and Geert Rozinga

vpro documentary