KlimaTV – Transport
Global trade and climate protection – Fueling the future of maritime transport
42:25 | Eighty per cent of all goods come to us by sea. But this form of transportation’s carbon footprint is woefully bad. Ships are responsible for almost three per cent of global CO2 emissions.
Battery powered flights from Washington DC to LA. No longer a pipe dream?
12:08 | Has battery chemistry reached yet another previously impossible milestone?
Europa på skinner #3 – Cyklisme
Transport står for omkring 25% af udledningen af CO2 i Europa. To af SF’s kandidater til Europa-Parlamentet forsøger at blive klogere på, hvordan vi kan fremme cyklisme i Danmark og Europa. Til at hjælpe sig har de denne gang Sidsel Birk Hjuler og Kenneth Øhrberg Krag fra Dansk Cyklistforbund.
Why aren’t we all flying in electric planes?
11:33 | I flew in the first ever e-plane certified to take off to figure out whether we will all soon be flying electric.
Europa på skinner #2 – Bæredygtig transport
Transport står for omkring 25% af udledningen af CO2 i Europa. I denne podcast forsøger to af SF’s kandidater til Europa-Parlamentet at blive klogere på, hvordan vi i fremtiden kan rejse mere bæredygtigt.
Can this magic fuel clean up the shipping industry?
15:20 | The shipping industry is responsible for three percent of global emissions. One of its best bets to get these down is fueling their vessels with ammonia.
Europa på skinner #1 – Bevar jordforbindelsen
Transport står for omkring 25% af udledningen af CO2 i Europa. I denne podcast forsøger Emil Njor og Rikke Lauritsen at blive klogere på, hvordan vi i fremtiden kan rejse mere bæredygtigt.
Klimakamp Lokalt Nationalt Globalt
1:00:00 | TV Udsyn ser i denne udgave frem mod FN’s klimatopmøde COP28 med reportager fra flere klimapolitiske perspektiver.
Why aren’t solar cars everywhere?
11:53 | A handful of solar cars are available for pre-order now, but how realistic is the tech?
Which will be the engine of the future?
11:06 | Truck manufacturers are under immense pressure to cut emissions. But should they bet on fully electric batteries, hydrogen fuel cells or even both?
Do short-distance flights need to go?
9:33 | The shortest flight in Europe takes less than a minute – and it’s getting increasingly hard to justify emissions from such trips as the planet heats up.
Følg pengene: Ketchupeffekt for elbiler?
Kan vi nå en million grønne biler i 2030, og har de kinesiske elbiler kørt de europæiske over i mellemtiden?
How will the next generation of cities address the challenges of climate change?
4:35 | By taking inspiration from ancient cities, the cities of the future can prioritize public transportation and foster human connection, resulting in reduced emissions and more accessibility.
Bilerne ud af Byen og andre klimaråd
30:00 | Grønne trafikplaner i Skibhuskvarteret, en klimaregnemaskine til hele familien og naturens betydning i kampen med den globale opvarmning.
Genstart: Skam dig!
Debatten om Theresa Scavenius’ klimaskadelige flyrejser har startet en heftig debat om hykleri, individuelt ansvar og skam. Men hvad er der egentlig galt i at føle klimaskam?
A Carbon-Free Future Starts With Driving Less
3:29 | Enter shared electric micromobility: the transition away from dependence on cars and towards lightweight transport options like electric scooters.
Why electric cars are finally taking over
10:41 | We’ve known how to build electric cars since long before Tesla came around. And yet, for more than 100 years, we’ve largely relied on the internal combustion engine to get us from A to B. But that’s changing – faster than we might expect.
Are EVs really better for the climate?
12:03 | Once all the carbon costs of extracting, processing and manufacturing are taken into account, how much lower is the overall lifetime carbon footprint of an EV compared to and ICE car?
Klimakamp på flere fronter
1:00:00 | TV Udsyn har set på: Den lokale målsætning om at Odense Kommune skal være klimaneutral i 2030. Det teknologiske arbejde med at omdanne CO2 til flydende klimavenligt brændstof. Og en personlig indsats for et bæredygtigt liv i landsbyen Begejstringe.
3 Ways to Make Flying More Climate-Friendly
9:17 | Piloting us into a future of green aviation, innovator Ryah Whalen shares three ways to lower the industry’s carbon footprint through smarter designs, eco-friendly fuel and new technology.
Driving on Solar
47:26 | The solar car, an electric car with built-in solar panels, will be on the market in 2022. From 2030 onwards, no new cars may be sold in the Netherlands that run on petrol or diesel.
The truth about carbon neutral fuels
9:38 | The car industry is trying to save the combustion engine. Their best bet: synthetic fuels.
The Carbonless Fuel That Could Change How We Ship Goods
7:27 | Maria Gallucci introduces a planet-friendly alternative that could fuel tens of thousands of cargo ships: green ammonia.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 205: Safe Passage
50:08 | Bradley Whitford examines the grass-roots efforts to build consensus on Capitol Hill that global warming is a critical issue. Ty Burrell takes to the open road to investigate the future of an American way of life: the automobile.
How green are electric cars?
4:44 | With lingering questions over the mining of rare metals, battery manufacturing and electricity consumption, we investigates whether electric vehicles are as green as we’ve been led to believe.
Wireless FULL EV charging has arrived! Exciting new tech breakthrough.
12:47 | The launch of the world’s first fully electric wirelessly chargeable car.
The true cost of shipping basically everything
10:37 | Shipping produces about 3% of global emissions, just behind aviation and more than all US coal plants. But while these sectors get regularly denounced, shipping has escaped scrutiny.
Is green hydrogen the answer to the climate crisis?
28:25 | Green hydrogen produces zero emissions and many believe it holds the key to limiting global warming. So is it the big hope for the future or a multi-billion euro mistake?
What Does Bad Air Pollution Mean To You?
19:56 | Seat At The Table, Episode 3: How bad is the air pollution created by vehicles?
Rethinking Climate Change. The path to a 90% emissions reduction by 2035.
18:55 | The climate emergency requires climate solutions. And fast! A new analysis suggests that 90% of the job could be achieved by just a handful of disruptive technologies that are very real indeed.
Is wind power the future of freight shipping?
The global freight shipping industry accounts for nearly 3% of all GHG emissions, so freight operators are on a quest to reach net zero by 2050. Here’s three of the most promising wind power options that could help them get there.
Battery Swapping. Transforming the trajectory of electric vehicles?
12:29 | As electric vehicle sales continue to accelerate around the world, battery charging times and operational lifespan are becoming ever more important questions in the minds of potential EV drivers.
Airbus Hydrogen ZEROe Project. Stealing a march on the competition!
12:47 | Most industry commentators predicted it would be 2050 before we saw a commercial hydrogen powered plane in service. But industry giant, Airbus, have just smashed that assumption…
Portable Liquid Air Power. A new boost for electric vehicles
13:38 | Cryogenic air cooling is an invention that’s been used in industry for well over a hundred years. Recently the process was put to use as an energy storage system for electricity grids.
Frås: Elbiler med Anders Morgenthaler
Følges klimakamp og menneskerettigheder altid ad? Det spørger vi Anders Morgenthaler om. Og så undersøger vi, hvordan batteriet i hans elbil er produceret.
How your Zoom call could help save the climate
10:42 | The coronavirus pandemic showed us that meetings can (very) often be video calls. And by commuting and traveling less, we don’t just save time, but also emissions.
Kur mod klimakaos – Slut med transportvanviddet. En klimaforsvarlig transportsektor
6:04 | “Kur mod klimakaos” er baseret på NOAHs klimahandlingsplaner, der er lavet som et kritisk modspil til regeringens klimalov.
Zero Emission Trucks : Can we afford to go there? Can we afford not to??
16:24 | All of the world’s biggest truck making firms are racing to get their hydrogen or battery electric vehicles to market in the next couple of years. Will we have the infrastructure ready to accommodate them? Can we afford it?
Hydrogen Planes: Can we fly without emissions soon?
8:48 | A plane ticket is the single most emission heavy thing we can buy. But aviation companies say that we could change that soon. Is that really realistic?
How cities are detoxing transportation
10:25 | See what a future without the internal combustion engine could look like — and what it will take to get there.
Kurs mod mindre flyvning
35:36 | Flyvning skal pålægges afgifter, men hvad er formålet egentlig med afgifter, hvor høje skal de være og har afgifter en social slagside?
Liquid Hydrogen Jet Aircraft : A Carbon-Free Flying
12:06 | Liquid Hydrogen has proven a very useful energy storage solution in industrial applications for some time, but can it really ever be put to practical and economically viable use in the global aviation industry?
Are Electric Cars Really More Environmentally Friendly?
4:20 | Some people say that buying an electric car is a great way to fight climate change – but what if they use electricity that is made by burning fossil fuels?
Top ten reasons NOT to buy an electric vehicle (and why each one is wrong!)
16:19 | Electric vehicles. To buy or not to buy? All the major manufacturers are investing billions in research and development to bring us some spectacular electric choices.
Skal vi virkelig flyve endnu mere?
1:35:53 | Bevar Jordforbindelsen holder møde den 25. april 2019. Emnet er udvidelsen af Københavns Lufthavn.
The Best Cars For the Climate
7:29 | Say you’re looking to buy a car. How do you pick the best car for the planet? There’s already a lot to consider when choosing a new ride, and factoring in climate change makes it even trickier.
What’s the greenest way to travel?
8:07 | The carbon footprints and emissions of trains, cars, planes, and buses when traveling on vacation or for business.
EV Revolution
13:35 | With some projections suggesting renewable energy and electric vehicles may lose the fossil fuel industry as much as $21 TRILLION by 2040, the battle for the hearts and minds of millions of drivers has never been more critical.
En del af den grønne omstilling består i at udvikle nye og CO2-neutrale teknologier til biler, tog, skibe og fly. En anden del består i at mindske vores brug af transport.