Why Big Oil loves to talk about your carbon footprint

af | 28. august 2021 | Klima i hverdagen, Klimamodstand

​Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what’s Big Oil got to do with it?

00:00-01:10 Intro
01:10-03:23 History of carbon footprints
03:23-05:56 Plastics, tobacco, and PR
05:56-09:15 Fossil fuel companies
09:15-12:46 Does individual action matter?

Reporter: Ajit Niranjan
Camera: Henning Goll
Video editor: Frederik Willmann
Supervising editor: Kiyo Dörrer
Fact-Check: Maximilian von Mauch

DW Planet A