Dan Laffoley – The Ocean – The Future We Want
In recent decades there has been a growing recognition of the challenges facing ocean conservation efforts. Science is showing that the ocean is under stress from multiple sources — not just from the pressures and impacts from how we use the ocean, but also from climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, and hypoxia as oxygen levels lower. To counter such impacts most nations of the world have signed up to global targets to better protect and manage ocean areas using marine protected areas (MPAs) and other management means. Dan Laffoley reviews some of the main threats to the ocean, and explores recent progress to protect and recover ocean health. Recent events such as Rio + 20 have demonstrate that we need to pick up the pace in ocean conservation and management. Such are the scale of challenges we now face with ocean health that all involved should have a common interest in sustaining the resilience of the ocean and in so doing sustaining the different ways in which we value, use and manage ocean resources. The presentation will explore some of these common concerns and future opportunities.
“The Ocean — The Future We Want”, lecture given by Dan Laffoley at the University of Iceland Monday, April 7th, 2014.
Dan Laffoley is Principal Advisor on Marine Science and Conservation for IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Global Marine and Polar Programme and also acts as Marine Vice-Chair for the World Commission on Protected Areas. He has a place on the Boards and Councils of many UK leading marine science organizations and acts as an independent advisor to the UK Government on marine science.