KlimaTV – NGO’er med klimafokus

Why Isn’t the Climate Movement Voting?

Why Isn’t the Climate Movement Voting?

11:35 | Millions of people say they care deeply about climate change … yet they’re not showing up at elections to turn their concern into political power.

The Missing Piece of the Clean Energy Transition

The Missing Piece of the Clean Energy Transition

10:00 | Highlighting grassroots women’s organizations leading the charge towards universal access, Sheila Ngozi Oparaocha makes a powerful call to prioritize gender equality in energy policies.

Unions for Climate Action!

Unions for Climate Action!

9:12 | Payton M. Wilkins digs into the economic fallout of ditching fossil fuels and shows why unions are well-positioned to push the transition to clean energy and green jobs.

De omstillingsparate 001: Extinction Rebellion

De omstillingsparate 001: Extinction Rebellion

I denne episode undersøger vi først XR’ernes motivation og måde at få deres budskab ud til resten af samfundet. Dernæst kaster vi et blik på deres politiske visioner. Vi hører også om deres krav om at få oprettet et borger- og klimaråd, som skal kunne træffe politiske beslutninger.

We Can Build a #FossilFree World

We Can Build a #FossilFree World

11:58 | Watch and learn about how we can all take action to weaken the fossil fuel industry and build a renewable future for all. This video guides people through the steps of how we come together to avert a climate crisis.

Our Changing Climate

Our Changing Climate

12:40 | A short documentary about climate change. We had the opportunity to witness the effects of our changing climate firsthand and to meet the people on the front lines of campaigning for action.

A New Kind of Climate Movement

A New Kind of Climate Movement

5:52 | Over the past few months an ever growing coalition has been steadily organizing towards what could be the most diverse march for climate and economic justice in Canada.

41 års aktivisme for bæredygtighed

41 års aktivisme for bæredygtighed

28:59 | Carl Herforth fortæller om den gang de startede Danmarks første miljøbevægelse NOAH, om situationen nu og en ide til hvordan vi laver en slagkraftig bevægelse i det nye årti.

The Day the World Came Together

The Day the World Came Together

2:10 | On 24 October 2009, people in 181 countries came together to speak with one voice on the most urgent issue of our times: the climate crisis.

Pingvin indkalder til klimakamp

Pingvin indkalder til klimakamp

0:44 | En pingvin går ganske almindeligt rundt i Københavns gader og indkalder til klimademonstration for Klimabevægelsen i Danmark den 17. maj 2008.

En ny bølge af miljøbevægelser med særligt fokus på klimaet bliver stadig stærkere.