KlimaTV – Divestment
Al Gore: This Is the Moment to Take On the Climate Crisis
10:25 | Al Gore explains how the financial interests of fossil fuel companies have blocked the policymaking process in key countries — and calls for a global epiphany to take on the climate crisis.
Your Bank is Funding Climate Change
10:22 | The Banking on Climate Chaos report has revealed the banking sector’s atrocious financing of the fossil fuel industry.
Red klimaet med din pensionsopsparing
Hvor meget kan man egentlig klimakompensere sine CO2-udledende dagligdagsvaner gennem grønne investeringer med pensionspengene?
New York State Divestment Win!
1:22 | People powered victory! New York State is the biggest pension fund — $226 billion — in the world and amongst the largest financial institutions to divest from the riskiest oil and gas companies and decarbonize by 2040.
Bør fagforeninger investere fossilfrit?
37:55 | En stor gruppe danske fagforeninger har forstået vigtigheden af klimakrisen, og har derfor etableret ”Broen til fremtiden – en ny grøn alliance”. Men størstedelen af fagforeningerne mangler endnu at tage konkrete skridt til at sikre en investeringspolitik der er i overensstemmelse med Paris-aftalen.
Nobody Wins Without Fossil Fuel Divestment
3:27 | On November 23, 500 students and alumni disrupted the annual Harvard-Yale football match to demand that their universities divest from the fossil fuel industry.
Fossil Fuel Production Plans Could Push Earth off a Climate Cliff
8:33 | A new UN report says that if all booked fossil fuel reserves are burned, it could lead to a cataclysmic rise of global temperature by 2100.
Funding The Climate Breakdown : How can it be stopped?
11:17 | We all know the impact that fossil fuels, backed by huge government tax subsidies are having on the climate. What’s less well publicised are the mind boggling levels of investment that they have also been pouring into Oil, Coal and Gas.
Celebrate 1000 divestment commitments and counting!
1:54 | Today, an incredible new milestone, the Fossil Free movement has pushed over 1000 institutions worldwide to divest from fossil fuels.
How Well Does Fossil Fuel Divestment Combat Climate Change?
11:23 | As the fossil fuel divestment movement grows around the world, a new study suggests its economic impact might be overstated.
Banks and Extreme Fossil Fuels – how to switch from the mean to the green
9:50 | Global banking finance for extreme fossil fuels like Tar Sands took a big dip as a result of the Paris Climate agreement in 2015, but since the start of 2017 it’s been rising quickly again.
Divestment – Is your money supporting the fossil fuel industry?
12:30 | Divestment out of Fossil Fuels is gaining momentum. Climate Change is an accepted fact but CO2 emissions are increasing each year. How can we accelerate the move away from fossil fuels? Divestment is the key.
Fossile brændsler har ingen fremtid
2:06 | Animeret kampagnefilm om divestment fra 350.org – nu med dansk tale. Kendt fra AnsvarligFremtid.
It’s not an investment if it’s destroying the planet – Vandana Shiva
2:06 | It’s no longer acceptable for our institutions to invest in the fossil fuel companies devastating our planet.
Trump Pushing Carbon Bubble That Is Bound To Burst
17:51 | The Jimmy Dore Show undres over Donald Trumps CO2-boble.
2°C Roadmap based on Financial Analysis…
1:37:12 | “Cambridge Climate Lecture Series 2017”. Du kan se forelæsningerne gratis online.
Breaking the tragedy of the horizon
28:43 | The first wave of environmentalism was framed around conservation and the second around regulation. We believe the third wave will be framed around investment.
– Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, 2004.
AnsvarligFremtid – status 2015
38:37 | Dokumentar om AnsvarligFremtid, hvordan netværket er startet, hovedargumenterne bag initiativet, de foreløbige resultater og fremtidsudsigterne.
350.org’s Bill McKibben on The State of the Climate Movement
7:16 | Bill McKibben, the founder and senior advisor of 350.org, recently stopped by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies to talk about organizing, divestment, and where we go from here.
Fossil Free
48:29 | Om divestmentkampagner i Holland og Berlin. Den ene kampagne retter sig mod det store hollandske pensionsselskab ABP, med 2,8 millioner medlemmer, og den anden mod byen Berlin.
Keep it in the ground
1:28:46 | Guardian Live – full event. A debate on the Guardian’s divestment campaign.
Mike Berners-Lee – Burning Questions: How much fuel needs to stay in the ground? (Part 1)
33:15 | Drawing on Mike Berners-Lee and Duncan Clark’s book, The Burning Question, Mike explores the macro dynamics of the energy system.
Ban Ki-Moon opfordrer pensionskasser til at diveste
0:46 | Ban Ki-Moon encourages pension funds to divest from fossil fuels and to invest in clean energy.
Shift (Fossil Fuel Divestment)
13:54 | A global movement is coming together to challenge the fossil fuel industry in a fight for the planet and our future here.
Do The Math
44:52 | Do The Math chronicles follows the climate crusader Bill McKibben as he works with a rising global movement in a David-vs-Goliath fight to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis.
Vi oplever en international bølge af initiativer, der handler om at presse investorer til at frasælge deres investeringer i fossil energi. Blandt målgrupperne er pensions- og forsikringsselskaber, kirker, universiteter, kommuner og fagforeninger.