KlimaTV – politik (Europa)

A New World order

A New World order

50:19 | It is more urgent than ever for Europe to become self-sufficient in energy. This is accompanied by major power shifts, both within and outside the EU.

Kører EU Grønt tidsnok?

Kører EU Grønt tidsnok?

22:59 | Vi har talt med 3 danske EU-parlamentsmedlemmer om et udspil der skal finde opbakning i et EU-samarbejde, hvor der er langt imellem de klimapolitiske ambitioner i f.eks. Polen og Danmark.

The EU climate deal

The EU climate deal

28:25 | The European Union aims to reduce CO2 emissions and become carbon neutral by 2050, using the Green Deal as its road map. The German government has already agreed to more ambitious climate targets.

Europe: The world’s first carbon-neutral continent?

Europe: The world’s first carbon-neutral continent?

42:24 | The new president of the European Council, Charles Michel, wants the twenty-seven member states to commit to making Europe the planet’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. But Poland, 80% dependent on coal, is blocking the measure.

Why Germany isn’t as green as you think

Why Germany isn’t as green as you think

7:03 | Germany is super green and amazing at fighting climate change – at least that’s how the stereotype goes. But if you look deeper into it, you soon discover some pretty dirty secrets.

Germany’s struggle with wind power

Germany’s struggle with wind power

28:25 | Germany needs wind power if it is going to meet its climate goals, and successfully transition from nuclear and coal power to renewable energy. But the construction of wind turbines has been stalling.

Videoer om europæisk klimapolitik og klimaindsatsen i EU.