KlimaTV – politik (kloden rundt)

The melting ice of the Arctic (2/2)

The melting ice of the Arctic (2/2)

42:25 | Soon the Arctic will be ice-free in summer. While many are concerned about the consequences for the global climate, countries like Russia and the US, as well as China and Canada see an ice-free Arctic as an opportunity.

Who will pay for climate damages – and HOW?

Who will pay for climate damages – and HOW?

12:37 | The people and industries of the world’s richest countries have done the most to heat the planet. Meanwhile, the poorest can’t afford to pay for the consequences of other people’s pollution.

A New Social Contract for Global Climate Justice

A New Social Contract for Global Climate Justice

10:40 | Huma Yusuf shares a vision for global climate diplomacy where the countries responsible for pollution pay reparations for the damage they’ve caused, while developing countries bring forward a clean, green future.

World leaders fail to curb climate change in 2020

World leaders fail to curb climate change in 2020

6:59 | The United Nations is urging world leaders to make 2021 the year they commit to fighting climate change. It comes as new reports highlight the severe weather that broke records around the world this year.

The case for stubborn optimism on climate

The case for stubborn optimism on climate

8:06 | “This decade is a moment of choice unlike any we have ever lived,” says Christiana Figueres, the architect of the historic 2015 Paris Agreement.

How the military fights climate change

How the military fights climate change

7:41 | Scientist and retired US Navy officer David Titley takes us from the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria to the icy shores of Svalbard to show how the military approaches the threat of climate change.

Videoer om klimapolitik rundt omkring i verden: Canada, Sydamerika, Asien og Afrika og Australien. Vi har også videosamlinger om FN’s klimatopmøder og klimapolitik i Danmark, Europa og USA.