KlimaTV – politik (kloden rundt)
The Intersection of War and Climate Change
11:26 | Conflict is the biggest barrier to tackling climate change, says youth advocate Victor Ochen.
Electric vehicle import tariffs are a really dumb idea!
14:16 | Electric Vehicles are coming our way from China like a tsunami over the horizon. But both the European Commission and the US Government believe they can keep back the tide simply by applying very high tariffs on those imported cars.
The melting ice of the Arctic (2/2)
42:25 | Soon the Arctic will be ice-free in summer. While many are concerned about the consequences for the global climate, countries like Russia and the US, as well as China and Canada see an ice-free Arctic as an opportunity.
Who will pay for climate damages – and HOW?
12:37 | The people and industries of the world’s richest countries have done the most to heat the planet. Meanwhile, the poorest can’t afford to pay for the consequences of other people’s pollution.
A New Social Contract for Global Climate Justice
10:40 | Huma Yusuf shares a vision for global climate diplomacy where the countries responsible for pollution pay reparations for the damage they’ve caused, while developing countries bring forward a clean, green future.
Ozone Layer success versus Global Warming FAILURE! Why the difference?
13:04 | 35 years ago scientists discovered we were badly damaging the ozone layer, so a major global initiative was created to repair it. At the same time scientists also discovered that greenhouse gas emissions were causing dangerous levels of warming in our atmosphere…
How the Amazon has started to heat the planet
5:56 | The Amazon rainforest absorbs huge amount of CO2 and helps to cool the world, but recent studies have shown the rainforest is approaching a tipping point.
Years of Living Dangerously – EPISODE 108: A Dangerous Future
57:57 | In episode eight, Matt Damon takes viewers on an investigation into the impact of extreme heat on human health and mortality. Michael C. Hall journeys to the low-lying deltaic country of Bangladesh. Thomas Friedman concludes his investigation of three Middle Eastern nations.
Hongqiao Liu: Can China achieve its ambitious climate pledges?
9:21 | In 2020, China’s President Xi Jinping pledged that China would both peak its emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.
Climate change in review: 2021
14:07 | I made some 2021 climate change predictions in a video this January, so let’s see how I did!
Supertanker: Skal autoritære stater redde kloden?
Noget tyder på, at vi som enkeltindivider stadig ikke er parate til at gøre de ofre, som er nødvendige for at bremse den nedadgående spiral. Men er det overhovedet enkeltindividers ansvar?
China Carbon Neutral by 2060? Will their coal addiction kill the plan?
15:50 | China is installing more renewable energy than any other country in the world, but they also added the equivalent of one large coal power plant to their electricity grid every single week in 2020.
This is just how unfair climate change is
10:10 | We’re all living through the climate crisis. But we’re not all in it together. So what exactly does climate change have to do with social injustice? And how can we fix it?
World leaders fail to curb climate change in 2020
6:59 | The United Nations is urging world leaders to make 2021 the year they commit to fighting climate change. It comes as new reports highlight the severe weather that broke records around the world this year.
The case for stubborn optimism on climate
8:06 | “This decade is a moment of choice unlike any we have ever lived,” says Christiana Figueres, the architect of the historic 2015 Paris Agreement.
Kan rettigheder slukke skovbrande?
40:13 | Sommeren 2019 var præget af billeder af massive skovbrande i Brasilien og Bolivia. Vi debatterer hvordan vi bedst muligt støtter de oprindelige folk i kampen mod brandene.
Hvorfor klimasolidaritet?
31:37 | Klimakrisen er global, men den rammer meget forskelligt i Nord og Syd. Bliv klogere på global klimaretfærdighed i selskab med Harjeet Singh.
Climate Scientist reacts to Scott Morrison’s climate comments
12:29 | We talk a lot about politicians who deny global warming. But what about leaders like Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison?
Climbing South America’s Tallest Tower For Climate Science
11:15 | Scientists in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest are collecting vital data showing how our climate is changing. But now, their work is under direct attack by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.
A Climate of Concern: What Climate Change Means for Food Security and Political Stability in Africa
1:26:00 | As climate change reshapes the agricultural landscape across Africa, there is concern that higher food prices and falling yields will lead to widespread urban unrest and catalyze participation in armed extremist movements.
One Belt One Road – Xi Jinping’s Green Vision?
15:44 | The New Silk Road is quite simply the most ambitious social and civil engineering project since the Marshall Plan. But is President Xi Jinping’s vision one of a green utopian future or will his plans cause even more climate chaos?
Democratic Efficacy or Eco-Dictatorship. The Example of Canada
8:18 | This case study of Canada’s Kyoto Protocol process from 1995-2012 is used to explain the mechanisms of democratic influence on climate change.
How China is (and isn’t) fighting pollution and climate change
12:18 | Which way will China go in the future, and how will it affect the global environment? Data scientist Angel Hsu describes how the most populous country on earth is creating a future based on alternative energy.
Government, Oil and Climate Change
18:21 | Kevin Taft (Alberta Liberal Party) talks about his new book, “Oil’s Deep State: How the Petroleum Industry Undermines Democracy and Stops Action on Global Warming.”
How the military fights climate change
7:41 | Scientist and retired US Navy officer David Titley takes us from the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria to the icy shores of Svalbard to show how the military approaches the threat of climate change.
This country isn’t just carbon neutral — it’s carbon negative
18:54 | Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay shares his country’s mission to put happiness before economic growth and set a world standard for environmental preservation.
Energy Sector and Climate Reforms in China
1:39:15 | Two major political goals are animating change in China’s energy sector: the goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions on or before 2030 as part of China’s international climate commitment and the drive for energy market and pricing reform.
Videoer om klimapolitik rundt omkring i verden: Canada, Sydamerika, Asien og Afrika og Australien. Vi har også videosamlinger om FN’s klimatopmøder og klimapolitik i Danmark, Europa og USA.