KlimaTV – Klimapsykologi

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Debatten om Theresa Scavenius’ klimaskadelige flyrejser har startet en heftig debat om hykleri, individuelt ansvar og skam. Men hvad er der egentlig galt i at føle klimaskam?

Why it’s hard to care about climate change

Why it’s hard to care about climate change

12:44 | Bringing up climate change is one tried and true way to ruin a dinner party — and leave people feeling helpless and apathetic. But it doesn’t have to be that way, if we change how we communicate.

Genstart: Knuget af klimasorg

Genstart: Knuget af klimasorg

Hvad er klimasorg? Vi spørger Sarah Strunge Albertsen, klimaaktivist og projektleder i miljøorganisationen Noah, som selv er knuget af følelsen.

The case for stubborn optimism on climate

The case for stubborn optimism on climate

8:06 | “This decade is a moment of choice unlike any we have ever lived,” says Christiana Figueres, the architect of the historic 2015 Paris Agreement.

How to turn climate anxiety into action

How to turn climate anxiety into action

13:57 | It’s normal to feel anxious or overwhelmed by climate change, says psychologist Renée Lertzman. Can we turn those feelings into something productive?

Climate anxiety: Too little, too late?

Climate anxiety: Too little, too late?

26:07 | Are we prepared to change the way we live to avert the worst of outcomes? Guests: Clara Mayer (Fridays for Future), Alan Posener (journalist, Die Welt), Stefan Rahmstorf (climatologist).

How climate change affects your mental health

How climate change affects your mental health

7:31 | “For all that’s ever been said about climate change, we haven’t heard nearly enough about the psychological impacts of living in a warming world,” says science writer Britt Wray.

Why Jack Black Needs Therapy

Why Jack Black Needs Therapy

8:37 | Jack Black takes a seat for a talk therapy session with psychiatrist Lise Van Susteren. They discuss the psychology of climate change. Can she help him?

Worldview backfire effect

Worldview backfire effect

9:39 | John Cook explains the wordview backfire effect using examples from recent history and research. He also talks about ways in which we might combat this phenomenon when it comes to discussions of climate change.

Hvordan forebygger vi angst og depression som følge af klimakrisen? Og hvordan forholder vi os til dem, der reagerer på klimakrisen ved at ignorere den eller afvise den helt?