KlimaTV – Demonstrationer



0:39 | Hver torsdag mødes røde, blå og grønne foran Christiansborg for at gøre opmærksom på, at klimaet skal øverst på dagsordenen.

This is people power rising. #RiseForClimate

This is people power rising. #RiseForClimate

2:20 | As the weather is getting more extreme, we raise our voices louder to demand real climate solutions. Last weekend 250,000 people in 95 countries on 7 continents came together to #RiseforClimate.

A New Kind of Climate Movement

A New Kind of Climate Movement

5:52 | Over the past few months an ever growing coalition has been steadily organizing towards what could be the most diverse march for climate and economic justice in Canada.

The Day the World Came Together

The Day the World Came Together

2:10 | On 24 October 2009, people in 181 countries came together to speak with one voice on the most urgent issue of our times: the climate crisis.

Stadig flere viser deres modstand mod klimakrisen ved at gå på gaden – i alt fra små lokale demonstrationer til internationale klimamarcher med 100.000-vis af deltagere.