KlimaTV – Energisystemer

America’s grid battery revolution

America’s grid battery revolution

12:33 | China is often held up as leading the way in renewable energy, but it’s actually the USA that has most enthusiastically embraced battery energy storage to help stabilize the electricity grid.

The mind-blowing thing we get WRONG about energy

The mind-blowing thing we get WRONG about energy

9:49 | Fossil fuels still supply 80% of our energy. And people point to this number to say it’s impossible to switch to renewables. But their argument overlooks just how much energy we waste – and how we could do it better.

100% wind and solar is coming!

100% wind and solar is coming!

17:30 | 100% electrification from renewables, backed up with interconnections and energy storage is now just around the corner. But there are still bumps in the road. Can we overcome them in time?

Rethinking electricity grids

Rethinking electricity grids

11:58 | The cost savings, energy efficiency improvements, and speed of installation that new materials are facilitating may just make the difference in the race for decarbonisation.

Moving waste heat from industry to homes

Moving waste heat from industry to homes

12:44 | How about a well insulated shipping container that can handle 1300 degrees Celsius and be delivered to small operators who need low grade heat, or to district heating systems to keep you toasty warm in the winter?

Have we got enough minerals?

Have we got enough minerals?

13:05 | Will batteries for hundreds of millions of future electric vehicles rob the planet of all its precious minerals? And what about all the minerals and materials for billions of wind turbines and solar panels?

In-pipe energy: The hydro power nobody is talking about

In-pipe energy: The hydro power nobody is talking about

9:06 | Around 4% of global electricity is used for providing tap water. That number is only going to increase and its carbon emissions rival that of aviation. But a surprisingly simple idea can make our water supply more sustainable: In-pipe energy.

Revolutionising power transmission

Revolutionising power transmission

13:55 | The energy transition solutions of the 21st Century will take many forms, with a complex mix of different power producers. Moving energy across ever greater distances will overcome much of the intermittency of renewables like wind and solar.

Batteries are dirty. Geothermal power can help.

Batteries are dirty. Geothermal power can help.

8:00 | In Indonesia, where the majority of nickel for lithium-ion batteries is produced, the production process emits large amounts of carbon and pollution. It doesn’t have to be this way. Indonesia sits along the Ring of Fire, one of the most geologically active regions in the world.

The Race for the Super Battery

The Race for the Super Battery

46:11 | All over the world, storage technologists and battery pioneers are looking for ways to store renewable energy. From developing fast batteries to storing heat in basalt and salt.

Nano Coated Salt Technology

Nano Coated Salt Technology

11:18 | The energy storage sector is becoming a pretty crowded field as more and more companies come up with solutions that will be crucial to dealing with the intermittency of renewable technologies.

One Sun One World One Grid

One Sun One World One Grid

25:54 | India and China will most likely be key to the success or failure of our transition to a sustainable future. They’re now jostling for geopolitical power too.

For at kunne lave et fossilfrit samfund er det nødvendigt at tilpasse vores energisystemer, så de mange alternative energikilder kan fungere sammen, og så energi kan oplagres eller sendes over lange afstande.