26. oktober 2020 | Klimamodstand, Klimamyter
34:00 | This video focuses on conspiracy theories, delving into the seven traits of conspiratorial thinking. I also delve into conspiracy theories about climate change and how they emerged from the dark corners of the Internet to briefly go mainstream during the “climategate” incident in 2009.
30. september 2018 | Klimamyter
30:21 | In my final piece on the ClimateGate e-mails, I examine the claims that data and e-mails were deleted by the CRU, and I also take a look at FOIA requests.
23. september 2018 | Klimamyter
32:15 | The CRU scientists did NOT suppress research not supportive of global warming, nor did they subvert the peer review process.
16. september 2018 | Klimamyter
30:37 | Contrary to what climate change deniers claim, the ClimateGate e-mails actually do NOT discuss the destruction or hiding of data.
8. maj 2010 | Klimamyter
9:22 | Are climatologists censoring scientific journals and silencing alternative hypotheses on climate change?
7. maj 2010 | Klimamyter
9:54 | Now that the conspiracy theorists have blown off steam, it’s time for a more sober analysis of those e-mails and what they mean.