Exxon Lobbyist Caught on Camera Going Full Cartoon Villain
14:28 | Oh my god! He admit it!
14:28 | Oh my god! He admit it!
15:49 | From the Exxon Valdez Oil spill to their pipeline projects in Chad and Cameroon, ExxonMobil has carved a sharp path through communities and through the climate.
5:19 | Why climate change skepticism and denial are so effective at thwarting needed climate action.
3:21 | Exxon vidste det godt. Denne lille video fortæller historien.
9:24 | Scientists at Exxon Oil Corporation conducted research on climate change and the greenhouse effect in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
5:31 | ExxonMobil has waged the most successful and sophisticated science denial campaign since Big Tobacco’s campaign against the dangers of smoking.