14. juli 2023 | CO2-lagring, Konsekvenser, Tilpasning
1:25:56 | The film team visits climate rescuers in Sudan, Indonesia and Europe. 65,000 acacias are growing in Darfur: a blessing for the bitterly poor region, as well as a carbon dioxide reservoir that can help limit global warming.
5. juni 2023 | CO2-lagring
13:02 | Terra Preta, or Amazonian Dark Earth, has long been known for its remarkable biodiversity and fertility. Now a new study by a team of scientists in Brazil has identified what it is that makes Terra Preta so special.
28. februar 2022 | CO2-lagring
25:56 | Planting trees will save the climate. At least, that’s the claim of many environmental organizations. Massive reforestation efforts are taking place worldwide. But just how effective are these campaigns?
2. november 2021 | CO2-lagring
22:24 | Seat At The Table, Episode 6: I’m in Scotland and in Kenya looking at how to regrow wild forests.
19. oktober 2021 | CO2-lagring
8:59 | For decades we’ve been planting trees in hopes of reducing carbon pollution. But when it comes to carbon sequestration, have we actually been getting it all backward?
2. februar 2021 | CO2-kompensation
14:02 | Some businesses are banking on throwing money at carbon offset schemes like large scale reforestation to enable them to carry on business as usual.
12. februar 2020 | CO2-lagring
11:07 | Here’s three ways trees really can help us solve climate change, from a guy who wants to plant a TRILLION trees, to scientists hacking biology to make trees even better.
16. december 2019 | CO2-lagring
10:08 | Let’s talk about team trees a bit, and its implications on climate.
12. december 2019 | CO2-lagring, Klimakrisen
27:48 | Dr. William Moomaw one of the 5 co-authors of the World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency explains the nature of the emergency, what we MUST be doing about it and the encouragement for diversified forest management.
25. november 2019 | CO2-lagring, Vedvarende energi
15:13 | Team Trees’ target is to get 20 million new saplings in the ground by January 1st 2020. And it’s just as well, because the European Union (including the United Kingdom!) is busy destroying millions of trees across the south-eastern United States.
16. november 2019 | CO2-lagring
50:39 | Will trees save our planet? Trees and forests make the earth and climate livable and stimulate biodiversity. How do we deal with our ancient trees, and what else can we do?
22. marts 2017 | CO2-lagring, Video på dansk
7.56 | Al skovafbrænding medfører CO2-udledning og bidrager til forureningen. Træer er med til at holde balancen. De optager CO2 og udleder ilt. Kan man redde verden ved at plante en skov? Magnus Millang gør forsøget.
17. november 2016 | CO2-lagring, Video på dansk
1:28 | Farveændringerne viser, hvor meget verdens planter betyder for drivhusgasser.
8. april 2014 | CO2-lagring, Video på dansk
16:19 | Filmen handler om hvordan træ og træprodukter gavner klimaet og om hvordan driften af verdens skove og brugen af træ skal indgå i bestræbelserne på at imødekomme de klimaforandringer der forårsages af drivhuseffekten.