How we can make solar power at night
12:26 | Concentrated solar power can store the sun’s heat for a long time and turn it into electricity when needed – for example at night, when normal solar panels lie idle. Is it set for a comeback?
12:26 | Concentrated solar power can store the sun’s heat for a long time and turn it into electricity when needed – for example at night, when normal solar panels lie idle. Is it set for a comeback?
15:59 | Solar photovoltaic panels provide electricity for homes, businesses and utility scale grid providers. Ironically though, the hotter they get in direct sunshine, the less effective they are at producing power.
9:27 | What if we could not only harness the power of the sun, but actually use it to run the entire planet?
5:56 | Solenergi er en af de vedvarende energikilder, der skal erstatte de fossile brændsler.