Why Climate Change Keeps Failing at the Ballot Box
8:05 | More Americans than ever believe climate change is happening. Two in three registered voters say they’re worried about it.
8:05 | More Americans than ever believe climate change is happening. Two in three registered voters say they’re worried about it.
11:35 | We envision ourselves more as consumers than as citizens. As a result actions like flying less, zero waste, and recycling are prioritized over voting, protesting, and system change.
7:04 | Frederic Hanusch has written “Democracy and Climate Change” (2017).
8:18 | This case study of Canada’s Kyoto Protocol process from 1995-2012 is used to explain the mechanisms of democratic influence on climate change.
4:42 | We need to stop emitting greenhouse gases to stop global warming, but how do we get there? Should we be cutting our own emissions or pushing for systemic change?