6. november 2020 | Havet stiger
2:14 | The Mississippi River Delta is essentially drowning as sinking ground is combined with higher sea levels. NASA is studying this case with an airborne campaign designed to study how sediments are accumulating on the delta.
16. april 2020 | Klimamyter
1:28 | A debunking of the “we’re heading into an ice age” myth.
2. december 2019 | Konsekvenser
12:43 | New research from Rice University has revealed a surprising link between extreme cold events and global warming.
19. maj 2015 | Forskning, Klimamyter
5:42 | In this lecture, Andy Skuce explains what the so-called “little ice age” was and what caused it. Most importantly, natural factors coming out of the little ice age cannot explain our current global warming.
19. maj 2015 | Forskning
4:54 | Dana Nuccitelli looks at what caused ice ages in the past and explains why we don’t expect them to occur in the foreseeable future.