Sea Level Rise
4:30 | Keah Schuenemann explains how global warming is causing sea level rise through thermal expansion and melting of land ice.
4:30 | Keah Schuenemann explains how global warming is causing sea level rise through thermal expansion and melting of land ice.
5:27 | Keah Schuenemann’s lecture explains how carbon dioxide affects water vapor in our atmosphere and also how the two greenhouse gases interact to form a positive feedback loop.
5:38 | Keah Schuenemann explains why global warming makes many types of extreme weather more likely. However, it is virtually impossible to say if a specific storm, heat wave, or other event was caused by global warming.
4:56 | Keah Schuenemann explains why heat waves are happening more often and how those heat waves are impacting our environment.
5:39 | Keah Schuenemann explains the role of the IPCC and their tendency to underestimate climate impacts.
6:23 | Keah Schuenemann explains the differences between weather models and climate models.
6:23 | Keah Schuenemann explains what the jet stream and the “polar vortex” effect it is having in the United States.