4. april 2021 | Overbefolkning
13:05 | Some say population growth is the root of all the problems we will face in the future and that it is rapidly spiralling out of control. But a new report suggests the numbers might not be quite as bad as we previously thought.
14. november 2020 | Overbefolkning
7:59 | Developing countries have long been blamed for destroying the environment with their large families. Overpopulation has been identified as the enemy. But how accurate is this claim exactly?
1. oktober 2020 | Overbefolkning
12:26 | Pop star Blythe Pepino came to realise that far-reaching choices are needed to save the climate. Such as not fulfilling your wish to have children.
7. november 2019 | Overbefolkning
9:58 | Faced with the stark reality of the climate crisis, a growing movement of people are deciding not to have children.
14. januar 2019 | Mad, Overbefolkning
14:47 | Despite a dramatic reduction in fertility rates since 1950, our global population continues to rise.
17. maj 2017 | Overbefolkning
1:17:38 | A high population may indeed be damaging for reasons related to climate change, but if so, the reasons for this are more subtle; professor Hilary Greaves will outline what they might be.
27. november 2016 | Overbefolkning
5:46 | Fin illustrativ grafik af befolkningsudviklingen.
3. december 2014 | Konsekvenser, Landbrug, Overbefolkning
1:20:21 | Further population growth to the predicted 10 billion by 2050 cannot be sustained at the current level of productivity, a problem made worse by climate change.
21. maj 2013 | Overbefolkning
3:18 | Hans Rosling demonstrates the dynamics of population growth, child mortality and carbon dioxide emissions.