New report: Biomass CO2 emissions 4X higher than COAL!!
12:10 | Biomass is touted as a sustainable, ‘net-zero’ alternative to fossil fuels. But environmental groups and scientists have disputed this claim for many years.
12:10 | Biomass is touted as a sustainable, ‘net-zero’ alternative to fossil fuels. But environmental groups and scientists have disputed this claim for many years.
10:59 | Clean energy from re-growing resources and waste. Biomass sounds like a perfect alternative power source. Globally, at least 5% of energy come from biomass. But what does it mean if we use organic matter for fuel or electricity?
42:25 | The biobased economy promises to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems, including climate change. But even these renewable resources require a production process, and that harbors new potential dangers.
11:11 | Biomass is held up by governments around the world as a net-zero carbon alternative to fossil fuels. Just like most aspects of climate change mitigation though, the reality is far more complicated than that.
27:48 | Dr. William Moomaw one of the 5 co-authors of the World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency explains the nature of the emergency, what we MUST be doing about it and the encouragement for diversified forest management.
15:13 | Team Trees’ target is to get 20 million new saplings in the ground by January 1st 2020. And it’s just as well, because the European Union (including the United Kingdom!) is busy destroying millions of trees across the south-eastern United States.
42:25 | Huge areas of tropical rainforest are being destroyed to make charcoal for barbecues. The global deforestation is leading to growing problems. Nigeria and the DRC Congo – two of Europe’s main charcoal suppliers – are also affected.
29:23 | Burned tells the little-known story of the accelerating destruction of our forests for fuel, and probes the policy loopholes, huge subsidies, and blatant green washing of the burgeoning biomass electric power industry.
11:21 | Palm oil, rainforests and Orang-utans – we’ve all read the news stories. But is the situation improving or is it business as usual in the plantations?
12:03 | Er biogas svaret på de problemer, millioner af tons gylle fra den industrielle svineproduktion skaber?
9:03 | Mads Ville Markussen fra Risø DTU fortæller og demonstrerer en nem måde at få vedvarende energi ud af Roskilde Festivalens madaffald og andet biologisk affald.